But only the first mistake

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Jet's POV

"I thought there were only four of you." Dark wolf said. "How'd you come across that... Y/K/N?"
"We found Y/K/N nearly two years ago. They were bleeding out infront of an old warehouse and we brought them back here so they could get better. Then Korse managed to get them and Kobra. He tortured them for months before we found them and now they're like a part of the family."
"Wow." Dark Wolf said, showing very little emotion.

"What made them decide to stay after being torutured by Korse?"
"Kobra wouldn't leave Korse's place without them and they were incredibly close from then. We got to know them and they joined our team."


I sat up in bed and Kobra opened his eyes a little. "I'll be back in a minute." I muttered before he fell asleep. Quickly, I rushed down the hall to the bathroom. As I walked out, Icy Frost left one of the spare rooms. "Y/K/N." They said. "Have you told them?" I shook my head, terrified of what she might do to me. "None... None of them know." She smiled that same smile that she had every time she'd done something shit or I was in trouble.

"Good. You wouldn't want to get your big sister in trouble anyway would you?"
"You tried to kill me... Several times." I muttered, my eyes glued to the floor.
"That's because you don't belong. Not with us, not with them... If dad could see you now, he'd be so dissapointed." Tears filled my eyes. She was right, he'd always preffered Frost anyway so whose to say that he wouldn't be dissapointed in me for not dying yet. I'm a fucking burden to everyone that I know.

After they said that, I didn't reply and walked into Kobra's and my room before curling up next to him. That night, I didn't fall asleep for hours.

Kobra's POV

When I woke up, Y/K/N was still asleep so I went downstairs where some of them were already sat. It's hard looking at them, nevermind pretending to not know what they did. Everyone was just talking about random shit so I took some food into the front of the diner and sat alone for a while.

"Hey," Y/K/N came and sat next to me. We shared the rest of the power pup that I had got out. Then, we sat there in silence for a while. Party shouted me, "Kobra!" So I stood up.
"I'll be back in a second." They nodded as I walked to Party.

He and Jet were stood in another room, alone. "We spoke about it." Party said.
"Okay, what am I suppose to do then?"
"Y/K/N told me a couple days before almost exactly the same thing that you told Party." Jet explained.
"Are you fucking with me?" I asked.
"No, we're serious." Party smiled, "They like you too. Now, you've just gotta ask them out."

"Thanks!" I rushed back to the front of the diner and heard talking. I stopped- Maggot Menace was in there with them and I waited by the door, so neither of them could see me.

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