Bulletproof heart

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The roof was no where as comfortable as a matress, I'll admit that. But for some reason, being so close to Kobra made the roof seem a hundred times more comfortable than any matress could be. It just felt right. At some point in the night, I felt him move closer. I didn't move, I liked it. Our foreheads were nearly touching and everything felt perfect.

We stayed like that for a few minutes before I heard shouting. "Kobra! Y/K/N!" It was Party. Once he heard the shouting, Kobra's eyes opened. He looked down to me and smiled. "Please, guys! Where are you?" He was crying. Someone was with him, it was Ghoul.
"Have you checked downstairs?" He asked. We didn't hear a reply so we had to assume he nodded when Ghoul said, "Why don't we check again? Come on." They left Kobra's bedroom and went down the stairs.

He sat up so I copied him. "We should go." Before anyone could notice, we climbed back down into his room and ran downstairs to find the others. "Party!" Kobra shouted as we ran into the front room. He was on the floor, crying with Fun Ghoul sat by his side. When he noticed us, Party ran straight up to us and hugged both of us. Tears were running down his face as we both hugged him back.

"Where were you?" He asked, not pulling away.
"I showed them our place... We fell asleep there." He pulled away, still crying.
"I'm sorry..." Party wiped his tears and began walking into another room.

Ghoul, Kobra and I all just kind of awkwardly stood there for a second, not really sure who was right to go talk to him. He needed someone to go comfort him.

Kobra's POV

"I'll talk to him." I walked into the other room, where my big brother was sat down again. He was still crying so I just slid down the wall next to him.
"I'm sorry Kobra... I keep fucking up..."
"You haven't fucked up." I said.

"It's just... After everything that happened, it's like I can't let you or Y/K/N out of my sight without freaking out. I must be a shit brother." I shook my head. He knows that isn't true. After everything that's happened with me and Y/K/N, it's completely understandable that he reacts this way. He knows what we've been through and he's carrying the weight of all of that guilt for no reason. It wasn't his fault.

"Things are going to get better, I promise. We're both safe now and you are not a shit brother. I'd be dead if not for you. There isn't a single person in this building that honestly say that you haven't saved their live countless times. You're the best fucking brother I could have got." There were tears in his eyes.
"Thanks." We hugged and stayed there until he managed to calm down and stop crying.

"Holy shit!" I jumped up, remembering what happened last night.
"What?" Party asked, still sat on the floor.
"Y/K/N remembered something last night! In our place." He stood up too, almost as excited as I was.

"What did they remember?"
"I can't tell you. You might figure out where it is." I grinned, he did too.
"Fine, I'll just tell the other guys to keep bugging you until you tell me what they remembered." He ran out of the room to find Ghoul and Y/K/N talking in the front room.

"Hey Ghoul guess what?" He looked up as we ran into the room.
"Y/K/N remembered something last night." Party started.
"I showed them our place and they remembered where we hid something. Didn't you?" Y/K/N nodded, also smiling.

"Holy shit! That's incredible!" Ghoul grinned. "We've gotta tell Jet!" He started shouting Jet, who appeared only a minute later. He had been upstairs.
"Yeah?" He walked into the room to see everyone grinning. He wasn't grinning, he looked kind of worried but they could ask about that afterwards. "What's up?"
"Y/K/N remembered something!"
"Really!" His eyes widened as he smiled too. "What did they remember?"

"We hid something in our place. They remembered where it was."
"Wow!" He was in shock, "That's... That's great. That's incredible." He was still clearly worried so Y/K/N decided to ask about it.
"Are you okay?" Tears were forming in his eyes, so Jet looked down.
"Uh... It's the girl." The smiles disappeared.

"Jet what's wrong?" Party asked.
"She locked herself in her room two days ago. She said she wants to see Y/K/N and she won't come out until she can." They obviously told the Girl that Y/K/N was okay once they found them, but they hadn't let her see them. They didn't know how she'd react, with Y/K/N not remembering her. Or if Y/K/N would be okay.

Before running away, The Girl had always seemed really close to Mikey and Y/K/N. Sure, they had with everyone but Y/K/N and Mikey had been like her older siblings. They had all always been the youngest and kind of grouped together as being like the younger siblings to everyone else. "What should we do?" Ghoul asked.

"Do we really have a choice?" Kobra asked, turning to Y/K/N. "What do you think?"
"If she's locked herself in her room, you're right. We don't have a choice. I'll go and see her." Jet nodded.
"I'll get them to tell her that you'll go tomorrow if she comes out." Jet walked back out of the room. After a minute, Ghoul and Party left. Kobra and Y/K/N were alone again.

"Hey..." Y/K/N started, "Could you help me with something?"

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