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Party's POV

We were still in the room that Dr Death Defying found for us when he brought a Killjoy in. "This is Pizza Daemon. He knows where Y/K/N is." Kobra's face lit up.
"We found them a couple days ago but they just regained consciousness not long ago." They're alive! Y/K/N's alive!

"They're back with my group, I can take you there." We took him to our car and he directed us to the place that Y/K/N was. It was me, Ghoul and Kobra in the back whilst Pizza Daemon directed Jet.

Whilst Jet was driving, I noticed Kobra was a little nervous. "Everything okay?" He shrugged.
"What's going to happen when we get there?" He asked, "What if Y/K/N doesn't come back with us? What's going to happen?" Tears were forming in my eyes and that was when my big brother instincts kicked in.

"They're going to come back with us, I promise." I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me. "Everything is going to be okay." He managed to calm down a little by the time we got to the building- by then we were all worried.

Pizza Daemon walked inside first, then Kobra. We were all nervous. One of the first rooms we walked into had four people in it. Sat on the sofa next to a short blond guy was Y/K/N. "Y/K/N..." Kobra said. They stood up, clearly confused.

"These are the guys I was telling you about- your group." The blond guy said. Everyone sat down, Kobra ended up sat next to Y/K/N but they weren't holding hands or one of them with their arm around the other like usual. Both were tense, unsurprisingly. "I have so many questions." Y/K/N started.

"We couldn't really answer many." Another guy said whose name i think was American Psycho. "They said that icy frost tried to kill me. Why would she do that?"
"We don't know. None of us did- not even you. She was in another group that you were in before you joined us and they all tried to kill you. Several times." Kobra said.


I was hoping maybe I'd recognise these guys that were suppose to be my friends. I didn't but over the short time I'd been here, I think I trust Pheonix more than anyone else. He reminded me of my dad I guess- he seemed like a pacifist and was covered in tattoos. Once I had figured out that they couldn't answer anything I asked, he ended up showing me his drums. He let me play them but I sucked so I gave up quickly. Also, he was the first guy I saw when I woke up so maybe that had something to do with it. He trusted the other guys so I decided to too.

The only blond guy in their group answered most of my questions. Maybe he was closest to me or something.

"What happened to my dad? Where is he?" I asked next. The blond guy, who I found out was called Kobra Kid, answered again.
"Uh... Not long before you and your sister started that other group, you found your mom." The other guys in that group were listening too. Didn't I tell them? "She was working with Korse and you managed to escape but a couple hours later, your dad... He couldn't live knowing your mum had turned and..." I understood.

"What happened after that?" He seemed nervous which made me nervous. "Did I see my mom again?"
"Uhh... That's kind of complicated... You told me no one could know."
"Just tell me." I said, a knot tying in my stomach.
"You killed her." Everyone else seemed shocked. I hadn't seen my mum since I was a kid. "When your sister was asleep, you left her where you had been hiding and fought your mom. You weren't going to do it at first but she threatened to kill your sister and laughed at your dad so you shot her." Did not expect that.

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