Automated Friend

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Marcy's eyes fluttered open, and she sat up with a gasp. She looked around, her mind seemed hazy. What happened just a few hours ago? Why can't she place it at all?

Something about the environment unsettled the raven-haired teen, but she tried to just shrug it off.

"Hey Mar-Mar! You're finally awake! Glad to see you back up again!" Anne's voice chimed out. It sounded forced, somehow monotone despite sounding so joyful as well. It seemed so wrong, yet… So selfishly right to Marcy.

Marcy couldn't help the fluttering feeling in her chest at Anne's worrying and she gave a meek smile. "Ah… Sorry for worrying you there, Anna-Banana…! I'm all fine now." Marcy replied with a beaming smile.

Anne threw her head back with a hearty laugh. That… That didn't seem like a correct reaction for that. "Oh, Marbles, of course you're fine. You can get through anything. I never doubted you." Anne said, a smile on her face, but her stare seemed oh so blank.

Marcy decided looking around was more interesting. She didn't want to admit it, but Anne's gaze made her skin crawl, and it was not a pleasant feeling. "Uh… Are we back at the Planter farm?" Marcy asked, trying to place where she was currently.

Anne's lips twitched, but she didn't break her smile, even if it seemed even just a bit forced. "Yeah dude. We're home." She said. Anne cocked her head to the side slightly, a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright? You seem a bit out of it, Marce…" Anne murmured.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. How… How are you doing?" Marcy asked, finally meeting Anne's eyes again. Were they always a slight hue of greyish blue? That didn't matter, why was Marcy staring at Anne's face in the first place to even notice that?

Anne raised an eyebrow. "Dude, you passed out and you're asking how I am?" Anne asked.

"Oof, was it really that bad? What happened?" Marcy asked in return. Now that she thought about it, she did have a chest pain and quite the headache. Maybe her insomnia has been acting up…? Marcy couldn't place what could've caused such worry in Anne.

Anne paused- No, froze where she stood, a blank look in her eye.

"Anne…?" Marcy softly called out.

"Oh! Glad you're fine!" Anne said, her face switching to a blank smile.

Marcy yelped and jumped from where she was. That… Wasn't natural… Or was it? Marcy wasn't sure. Why can't she think a coherent thought about that when everything else is fine?

"So Mar-Mar, wanna hang out at the bugball court and maybe get something from the shops?" Anne asked with a soft smile.

Who was Marcy to say no to that face?

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