Heir of Strength

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Sasha paced back and forth outside the Planter house, the dirt below her packed itself in like a worn wagon pathway.


"We need to tell them." She cut Grime off. She stopped pacing, staring at the toad general. "We need Wartwood on our side." She declared.

Grime huffed. "They're still on edge." He pointed out.

Sasha growled out in frustration. "Who cares?! We need to go now! We have to get this done! Marcy- Marcy she–" She sputtered out, a sob rose in her throat. "She said it's got control… If we aren't quick enough, Marcy probably can't come back…" She mumbled sadly.

"She can still be saved." An unfamiliar voice said.

Sasha froze, eyeing the area. "Who said that…?" She hesitantly asked.

A pink figure glowed in front of her. A large horned toad with horizontal irises stared back at her. They waved. "Hey! You're my successor, dude!" They said with a bright smile.

Sasha felt a pain in her heart. The way the toad spoke reminded her so much of Anne for some reason.

Grime cleared his throat. "What…?" He asked in a deadpan, staring at the glowing toad.

The toad chuckled. "Sorry, forgot to introduce myself… Hey! I'm Barrel, most known as Barrel the Brave…! I hear you got, and soon after lost, my Warhammer. That means you're the heir of strength! My successor!" He exclaimed.

Grime gasped quietly.

Sasha raised an eyebrow. "And why should I believe you?" She asked skeptically.

Barrel hummed. "I suppose that's a valid question, bro."

Sasha groaned. "Okay, okay that's enough. I got it. I know no other toad that says 'dude' and 'bro' unironically outside the third temple inscriptions…" She mumbled.

Barrel gasped. "Third?! My temple is last?! I will kill Andrias myself!" He then paused. "Well, for more than just that, like revenge for him killing me, but whatever."

"The King killed you?" Grime asked.

Barrel finally acknowledged the toad general. "Ah! Captain Grime of the Southern Tower! It's been so long, dude!" He said with a smile.

Grime nodded slowly. "Er… Yeah… I've never seen you before today."

Barrel hummed, rubbing his chin. "I suppose not, dude. But nice to see you anyways!" He said with a smile.

Sasha tried to grab Barrel, but her hand phased through his form. She pulled her hand back. It felt like she just dunked it in a dry ice bath

Barrel turned around though to look back at the blonde. "That tickled." He chuckled. "Anyways, I have a message from Littlepot because that's the only reason the dude's letting me contact the living world." The toad cleared his throat. "One of three, pink and free, the heir of strength will vanquish thee." He recited. "Whatever that means. Sorry I can't give more than that. Although it sounds more directed to the enemy than you, bro…" Barrel admitted.

"That gives me nothing!" Sasha yelled out, sparks danced around her arms as she swung at the pink spirit toad.

Barrel yelped, getting flung back from impact. From impact… He was hit by the living! Oh how he missed that! Barrel stood up and gave a hearty laugh. "You've got quite the temper, dude! I respect that!" He said, smiling widely. "But you need to save that for whatever big fight is bound to happen. Save your energy, you definitely need it for a transformation." He added. He saw his hands fading. "Oh, whoops. Looks like we're out of time. Sorry dude." Barrel said, then flashed the blonde a grin. "You're quite smart for a heir of strength. I'm proud to have such a great successor. Make our faction proud. Reclaim the hammer, take down The Night."

Barrel faded back to the afterlife.

"Wait! No! Come back! Whose The Night?!" Sasha called out, but it was useless. Barrel was already gone.

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