Wrapping Things Up

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"This wasn't the plan!" Marcy yelped out.

"It was. I just never told you the plan." The Night shot back.

"I trusted you! How could you?! We had an agreement and everything…!"

"I gave you a warning to not trust me, but you still didn't take it."

"Because I thought you changed!"

"Did you not hear me talk to Waybright? I specified mortals for a reason. I don't change my morals, nor will I start for you."


"Yeah, well, you can't do anything about it."


A pebble hit them in the back of their head. It sneered, and they looked back. "Planter…" It hissed. "You're just like your ancestors…"

"Can it- Uh… Whatever you are…!" Sprig said.

They took a step closer to the pink frog. "Don't hurt him!" Marcy yelled.

"You have no place to tell me what to do, Chief Ranger Wu." It seethed out.

Marcy screamed and withered in pain.

Sprig winced, tears stinging his eyes as he watched the human that saved him multiple times, even during his mistrust towards her, yell in pure agony.

"You know how to dull me. You know how to do it…! Use your gift, you coward mortal…!" The Night taunted, then paused. "Why… Did I say that…?"

Sprig took that bit of confusion as a signal and ran forwards, knocking over the raven-haired teen. "I have no idea what I'm doing…!" He said, panicked. He then yelped when he was flung off easily.

"Sprig! Take my phone! Call Anne!" Marcy said, throwing her phone to the frog.

Sprig fumbled a bit but caught it, trying his best to remember how to call people. Fortunately, Marcy had Anne's number saved so he tapped the call button next to it.

"Hello?! Marcy?!" The frantic voice of Anne called out.

"Kinda?! She's here, but we need your help!" Sprig replied in the same level of panic.

"Sprig?!" Anne yelled.

"Yeah! I don't know where we are, but Marcy said to call you!" Sprig replied.

"We're near the school! The dense trees by the park we used to hang out at all the time!" Marcy spoke up.

"Got it! Hang in there, you two. I'm on my way!" With that, the call ended.


Anne looked at Sasha for a moment.

Sasha hummed and nodded, motioning to the door.

"Please stay safe." Anne told the blonde.

Sasha raised an eyebrow and gave a muffled chuckle.

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