Sometimes it Hurts...

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Marcy didn't know how long it's been when the trapdoor unlatches. She looks up at the blue newt.

Olivia peers into the room. "Oh good, you didn't tear yourself apart." She said, opening the trapdoor fully.

"I came to an agreement with it finally." Marcy simply said. "You have the box?"

Olivia grimaced. "Sasha decided to take it for herself…" She told the teen.

Marcy sighed. "I'll go talk to her." She hummed quietly for a moment. "Uh… Can you help me up…?" She then quietly asked.

Olivia huffed quietly, but reached a hand down to Marcy, who took it gently. Olivia pulled Marcy up, who struggled to balance for a moment before holding onto the latter.

Marcy hissed and clutched her chest. "Ugh… I don't wanna deal with this right now…" She hissed out through grit teeth.

Olivia's gaze softened. "Still feeling occasional pains…?" She asked.

Marcy hummed and nodded slowly. "Hey, Night thing, can't you like, control what I can and can't feel?" She snarked out.

It rolled their eyes.

"If I numb it now, it would only feel worse in the future." It responded.

Marcy winced and grit her teeth. "Well, do something at least… Please." She grumbled.

Tick, tick, tick…

Rhythmic ticking rang out.

"That's the best I can do. Focus on that." It told the teen.

Marcy slowly nodded their head.

Tick, tick, tick, tick…

Marcy yelped, the burning getting worse. "It's not working, it's not working…!" She cried out, tears running down their face.

"Sorry then, little one. I don't know what else to do."

"Numb the pain, take control, do something…!" Marcy immediately responded.

They sobbed, body shaking.

Olivia jumped down and pulled Marcy into a hug. "I don't think this will help at all, but I'm trying something." She said.

Marcy grasped on the newt's dress, tears staining Olivia's dress almost immediately.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry…" Marcy murmured over and over. She winced again and sobbed. "Please don't go, please… Please don't leave…!" She desperately called out.

Olivia furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm not going anywhere." She reassured the teen. "Your friend will be here soon enough. You're not alone." She looked back out of the room, then back to Marcy. "Marcy, look at me."

Marcy slowly lifted her head, looking at the blue newt.

"Take deep breaths, follow me." Olivia told the teen, then took a deep breath in.

Marcy tried to copy, her breathing shaky, but she managed.

Olivia nodded encouragingly to Marcy, then exhaled slowly.

Marcy followed.

They repeated that a few times until Marcy's breathing was leveled out more.

"Tell me what's going through your head. Only if you want to share, that is." Olivia softly prompted.

Marcy's breath hitched. "A-Andrias… A-and getting… G-Getting s-stabbed…" She stuttered out, more tears forming in her eyes. "Being isolated… Being used… Being made into just a puppet…" She listed off.

Olivia nodded slowly. "You've gone through so much…" She murmured. "I wish I could've protected you…" She admitted. "King Andrias–"

"He's not the King anymore…" Marcy spat out, tone cold. "He doesn't deserve that. He who wears the crown bears a false title…" She sneered. "The box, we need the box." She then said, a sudden panic falling over her.

"Right here, Mar-Mar."

Marcy looked up at the exit.

There stood Sasha Waybright, holding the box, smirking. "What are you gaping at? I wasn't gonna leave you behind."

"Y-your hair…"

Sasha's free hand moved up and touched the now short blonde locks. "Heh… Yeah… Like it?" She paused, then shook her head. "Don't answer that, that's not the point." She quickly said.

Marcy pulled away from Olivia, grasping the latter tightly as she stared at Sasha. "I missed you… Frog, how I've missed you…"

Sasha smiled softly. "Missed you too…" She responded. She held her hand out and Marcy took it. Sasha pulled her friend up, hugging her tightly.

"Sasha Waybright, nice to meet you… Marcy Wu is very fond of you."

"Oh shut it. This isn't your conversation to have, sir."

Sasha stared at Marcy for a moment. "Er… What… Just happened…?" She asked.

Marcy nervously grinned. "Uh… I'm a vessel for some immortal being that rules over the six realms…?" She mumbled out.


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