Rosetta's Shield

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Anne snapped awake. That seemed to become a recurring event every morning. "Marcy's alive… That was real…" She breathed out, eyes wide.

Something stirred at her feet. "Mmmph… Quiet…" Sprig mumbled out, then went back to snoring.

Marcy's alive. Anne knew that much at least. How she kept seeing these things, she wasn't sure.

What was Rosetta's Shield…? Who was Rosetta? Anne needed answers.

If what Andrias said was true, that he traveled between worlds in the past using the box, to build his empire, then…

That means, whoever Rosetta is, they might've stranded themself somewhere and became part of some mythology, knowing humans. Assuming they were stranded in this world, that is.

This was too much to figure out on her own…

Marcy mentioned Barrel in that. Sasha mentioned a Barrel's Warhammer when she recounted her adventures after she and Anne split up.

If Anne remembered correctly, Marcy cut in about Barrel's Warhammer, saying Barrel the Brave was a toad explorer that is now a legend. Nobody knows what happened to him, he just vanished one day and became merely a phonetic toad tale.

So apparently the legend thing isn't just humans then…

Rosetta… Is Andrias connected to them and Barrel the Brave? He has been around for thousands of years, or so he claimed.

Are there ancient legends of a serpentine king who ruled the lands…?

Anne groaned softly to herself then got up, tossing the blanket onto Sprig. She threw on the yellow sweater she found when she originally got home.

It still smelled of mint…

Marcy always loved mint in many forms. Little mint candies, mint chocolate chip ice cream, thin mints, even straight up mint leaves sometimes. Marcy was never very fond of chocolate itself, it was always too sweet she claimed - but never liked dark chocolate either because it was too bitter - but when it was accompanied by mint? Anne knew Marcy wouldn't hesitate to scarf it down then.

Anne had to pick up a bottle of mint essential oil at some point just for the reason to keep the scent of mint from fading completely.

It was a smell she became fond of, even if it holds some heavy memories now.

And lavender. Marcy mentioned that it helps with something, Anne just couldn't remember with what exactly.

Lavender was always Sasha's favorite scent, Anne learned. Whenever she had the rare chance to stay at the Waybright Estate, Sasha's room always smelled of lavender because each of her blankets and clothes were washed with lavender detergent after some requests or something. Anne didn't pay attention to that story either…

Anne snapped out of her thoughts and continued what she was doing. She pushed her curly hair out of her face the best she could, then headed downstairs.

"Anne…! Yer awake…!" Hop Pop said, giving his granddaughter a kind smile.

Anne waved him off. "I'm going to the library. I'll stop by a grocery store, if you want anything." She mumbled out.

"Ah well… Some grubs would be nice, thank yew." Hop Pop said.

Anne shrugged. "Sorry Hop Pop, grubs are a pet store thing here, I'm pretty sure. And that's not a store within walking distance."

"What did I hear about walking?" Anne's dad asked as he walked into the room.

Anne frowned. "I need to do some research and I need to do so alone. I have new information and–"

Mr. Boonchuy cut her off. "And I'll drive you. After you disappear for months, I don't want to lose you again." He explained.

Anne huffed. "Alright, fine… But don't question anything I'm searching for, got it?"

Mr. Boonchuy shrugged. "After learning there's multiple worlds and one is full of human-like frogs, I don't think I can question much." He said.

"Good." Anne then looked over at Hop Pop, then paused. "Now that I think about it…" She trailed off to think for a moment.

Hop Pop keeps secrets all the time, but loves to tell stories. If he's heard anything about Rosetta's Shield, it would be a folktale by this point.

"Hop Pop, have you heard about Rosetta's Shield…?" Anne asked her frog granddad.

Hop Pop froze, staring at Anne with wide eyes. "Er… Maybe…? What about it…?" He asked slowly, moving with pure caution.

Anne scrunched her nose in annoyance. "I need you to be truthful with me, HP. What does Rosetta's Shield have to do with everything? Marcy mentioned Barrel the Brave with Rosetta as she only mentioned the shield." She said sternly.

Hop Pop winced, but sighed. "Rosetta was a frog who prospered and moved to Newtopia. She was close to King Andrias and Barrel the Brave. The three of them held peace in our land. Without them, there would've been constant war between the frogs, toads, and newts. Some say they held special powers that helped Barrel the Brave rule his faction with an iron fist, but still balanced enough where he wasn't feared like current toad generals are. It also helped Rosetta build community amongst her faction with her compassion, and helped King Andrias be the most knowledgeable newt in all the lands." He explained. "These are all theories though, and King Andrias would never admit on if they were true or not." He added on.

"Barrel the Brave carried a warhammer that glowed a brash purple with his war cry as he rushed off to battle as he protected the united factions from the large beasts of Amphibia. Rosetta carried a shield that glowed a nurturing blue that could cover full cities in a blue aura to protect them. And Andrias? He carried a bow that glowed a toxic green, a quiver full of arrows all the time as if they never ran out, no matter how many he used in battle." He then went on to explain.

"Nobody knows what happened to the trio's brandished weapons until Barrel's Warhammer showed up a few years ago. Many tried and failed to handle the warhammer, blinded by the want to rule all toads after theories spread that whoever could wield Barrel's Warhammer was destined to be the ruler of toads. Now Grime and Sasha have it." Hop Pop finished.

Anne furrowed her brows. "What happened to Barrel and Rosetta?" She asked.

"King Andrias claims they left everyone to fend for themselves, putting everything off balance until he swooped in and gave each faction a rank, putting the frogs at the bottom of the chain and newts at the top. But after what he did with Marcy…? I honestly don't think they just left…" Hop Pop admitted.

Anne sighed. "Well, thanks for the info, HP. I'll try and learn more. With what you told me, then I guess I'm the next wielder of Rosetta's Shield, going by the color schemes and the fact that Sasha has Barrel's Warhammer, and Andrias is after it for some reason." She said. "I'm not letting him get his hands on it first…" She growled out.

Mr. Boonchuy coughed awkwardly. "So uh… Still going to the library…?" He asked, jingling his keys.

Anne nodded. "I need more information before I blindly run after a magic shield." She said.

"Then let's get going." Mr. Boonchuy said with a kind smile, guiding Anne out the door.

Anne nodded and followed.

Her vision flashed orange for a second, then a familiar mechanical voice she only heard in her astral projecting dreams rang in her head.

The connection is both ways it seems, Anne Boonchuy…

You won't win this. Tell your filthy worshipper he isn't succeeding.

Oh but he will… The shield isn't a required piece, but if it comes down to it, we will pry it from your cold dead hands…

Try me, you destructive robot spider bitchboy.

You really are like Sasha Waybright in a sense. Very well… You aren't safe, child… Keep blabbering on, that won't save you or your friends…

Anne balled her hands into fists and her vision flashed blue, then the voice was gone.

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