Shield of the Ancients

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Marcy was pacing. She didn't know why, but she regained consciousness and she was pacing.

"Come on… There has to be something in this scattered brain of yours…" It growled out.

Marcy felt searing heat, and her hands immediately went to her head as she doubled over in pain. "W-What are you doing…?" She weakly asked, groaning in pain.

It stopped what it was doing. "You're awake." It said plainly.

"Y-Yes…? I a-am…?" Marcy replied in a shaky tone.

"What do you know about Rosetta's Shield?" It asked.

"Uh… Not much. Andrias didn't let me research much on Rosetta or Barrel." Marcy admitted.

It grumbled amphibian curses under their breath. "And I doubt you want to see the King either…" It mumbled.

Marcy shook their head. "No… After what he did… I don't wanna even hear his voice…" She admitted, her hands moving down to the large scar on her chest that was covered by her wetsuit.

It groaned. "Alright, don't fight this, child." It warned.

Every sense was gone. Marcy knew what coldness felt like, but this wasn't it. She guessed it could be described as numbness, but at the same time, even numbness had its own distinct feeling…

Don't worry, I just need to ask your King a few questions. Rest, child. It won't be long.

Do you… Care about me…?

Why wouldn't I? Although you're my vessel and I own your body, it's still your body. I may be a being of destruction that your King worships, but you're a mere child. You need to get used to my presence, so I'll try and make it as pleasant as I can.

Uh… Thanks… I… I never had someone care about me like that…

Nonsense. You had Anne.

Yeah… Had…

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