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Dreams of slaying the leviathan danced in Sasha's head, but she couldn't do anything to him right now.

She growled as she punched another sack of the Amphibia equivalent of corn, quickly reeling back and punching with the other hand.

For Toad Tower. For Wartwood. For Amphibia. For Anne. For Marcy…

Sasha halted to a stop.

Why was it always for other people…? Why was her revenge claimed to be revenge for others…?

Sasha shook her head.

She was being the hero, she was being the redeemed lieutenant, she was doing her part.

This was never for her…

Why does that make her feel guilty…?

This was for Marcy. She will slay the leviathan for what he did to the child.

This wasn't for her, this was for Marcy.

This wasn't for her.

It really wasn't…

So why did it feel like she was being selfish…?

Sasha grit her teeth. Mulling over how she felt did no progress to stop Andrias from taking control of the different worlds.

She threw another punch at the sack of Amphibia corn.

Back and forth, right, left, right, left, right, left. Sasha fell back into the repetitive pattern, the sound of her fists smacking against the vegetable sack was just as satisfactory to her.


Marcy always said repetition always helped things stick.

Marcy always said many things, but now the world is devoid of the spark that was Marcy Wu.

Sasha scowled and tried to push the thoughts about Marcy out of her mind.

Right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right–

"Sasha…!" Grime bellowed from inside the farm house.

Sasha sighed and wrapped her now raw hands, then walked inside. "What's up…?" She asked.

"I need some help with maintaining the Planter farm. Without this being tended, a lot of the crops Wartwood usually gets will just be rotted." Grime said. "Plus, this is a start to giving back to Wartwood after they gave us shelter."

Sasha shook her head. "Sorry Grimesy, I gotta train."

Grime frowned. "Take a break, Lieutenant. Forget tending the farm, I can do that on my own, just take a break."

Sasha sputtered in response. "Take a break?! We have a rebellion to train! I can't just take a break!" She told the toad.

"As your General, I am commanding you to take a break. General's orders, Sasha." Grime shot back, glaring challengingly at the blonde teen.

Sasha let out a mix between a groan and a sigh. "Fine…" She mumbled, not willing to fight back at the moment.

She walked over to the old stiff couch, sitting down. She made a mental note to get the Planters a new couch at some point. She looked down at her hands.

Did she mess up her hands that bad…?

She unraveled the loose bandages, looking over her knuckles. No skin was actually broken.

She looked back at the bandages, but there was nothing on it.

Sasha sighed. "I'm imagining things now…" She mumbled under her breath.

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