It Has a Plan...

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Anne wasn't ready for anything else to happen. But oh man, how life hits you like a sudden rainstorm.

They were back, and they were okay…! More than okay, actually, she guessed. A strong rebellion was backing them up, and that wasn't even half of the rebellion as a whole. They just had Grime, Yunan, Olivia, and Sasha there, the main spokespeople for the rebellion they could say, but there were still so many left in Amphibia, ready to back the trio up.

"Anne, are you paying attention? This is kinda important." Sasha's voice cut in as she snapped her fingers in front of the brunette's face. "C'mon girlfriend, we have a hierarchy to topple. You gotta focus."

Marcy hummed in agreement. "You're a lot more spaced out than I usually am, so that's definitely a concern." She pointed out.

"Indeed. Heir of Heart, Boonchuy, pay attention." The Night cut in.

"Stop directing her." Marcy snapped back.

"Well, what am I supposed to do, Ranger Wu?" It hissed.

Marcy grit her teeth in pure frustration. "Sit back and stop taking control…" She breathed out as calmly as she could.

"I would, but your anger fuels me, little one."

"You are not allowed to mess with my kid!" Yunan shouted out. "Olivia! Tell this beast to stop!"

Olivia sighed. "I'm afraid I can't do much, Yunan dear…" She grumbled, rubbing her temples.

"Why not just… Beat it out of Marcy?" Grime suggested.

"You are NOT beating up my kid!" Yunan gawked, shooting a glare at the toad general.

"Quiet! All of you!" Sasha shouted, slamming her fist against the edge of the table, accidentally splintering it.

All eyes snapped to the blonde, whose breathing was ragged and her eyes glowing a faint pink.

Sasha looked down at the broken table corner. "Uh… Whoops…" She murmured. "Sorry about your table, Anne…" She apologized. She nervously chuckled. "I guess I just don't know my own strength…" She murmured.

Anne nervously grinned. "Er… It's okay. We can always get a replacement." She replied. "Continue on."

"No no, I have something to say." The Night said, holding their still deathly pale hand up. It smirked slightly when the attention was on it. "Heir of Strength, use your gift for this. Don't hold back. You have so much potential. You don't even need an army with the power you hold." It told the blonde.

Sasha grit her teeth and looked away from the being controlling her best friend's body currently.

"Still nothing, huh…? Guess I should give some sort of initiative." It taunted. It pressed against their still-healing scar and Marcy yelped in pain.

"Stop! Why?!" Marcy almost immediately cried out.

Anne rushed over to the raven-haired teen, firmly grasping her wrists. "Stop it…" She growled out. "I don't know what kind of abomination you are, but I won't stand for you hurting Marcy."

It spied a faint blue aura around Anne and smirked. "Ah, you've got more control over it. Look at you. See Waybright? This is what you should be like. It doesn't change morals. Stop holding it back."

Anne looked over at the blonde. "What does it mean?" She asked.

Sasha met Anne's eye, and the brunette could see pure fear.

"It's lying… It's lying…!" Sasha yelped out. "We led it to where it wanted! Why did I overlook that?!"

Anne raised an eyebrow. "What?"

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