Is it a Dream...?

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Marcy was floating, that was the first thing Anne noticed. Everything else came into view right after, as if it was some game lagging behind.

Marcy, in a dark wetsuit, submerged in a light blue liquid, with pipes connected to her and into a wall.

Liquid that seemed as bright as the blue gem Anne charged in the second temple.

Bright orange eyes opened, staring at the floating body situated in front of it, not acknowledging Anne at all.

The pipes connected to one large pipe, which connected the bottom of the largest eye.

"You've been here for quite awhile, Marcy Wu… At least, in your mind's time, that is… How about you face me yourself, child…?" Its eerie voice called out, eyes narrowing slightly.

"Don't defy me, you're living a lie." It sneered.

It scoffed after a moment of silence. "Of course it's fake…! You really aren't as smart as you claim to be, Marcy Wu." It snarked.

Anne noticed Marcy shift in the tube.

"Don't be daft, child. I'm not Anne Boonchuy." It spit out.

Anne froze. What was Marcy seeing?

Was this real?

Is Marcy alive?!

Anne jolted up and gasped, panting heavily as she sat there on her bed. A wave of disappointment washed over her.

It was a dream…

It certainly didn't feel like a dream though.

Anne felt tears slipping down her face and quickly wiped them away. A weight shifted at her feet and she looked down, seeing Sprig curled up at the other side of the bed. "Sorry, buddy…" She whispered out, unsure if the pink frog was even awake or not.

Anne laid back down so she wouldn't disturb her sleeping amphibian brother.

She'll talk about that dream at some point in the morning.

But it wasn't the right time right now…

Anne slowly drifted back off to sleep.

A flash of orange, and she was back in whatever room that monster keeping Marcy was.

"Oh dear child, you are so naive… You aren't getting your body back, that belongs to me now."

Marcy's body jolted and withered in pain as the pipes seemed to sputter to life.

Anne finally got up and walked over to the tube, hesitating before she put a hand out, feeling the cold glass beneath her fingertips.

Suddenly, Marcy's eyes opened, holding an ominous orange glow. "I feel your presence, child…" It called out, Marcy voicing along, giving a weak and garbled echo.

The blue liquid started to drain, and Marcy fell limp to the floor.

Anne felt something tugging on her wrists.

"Ah… I found you, Anne Boonchuy…"

"This isn't real! I'm dreaming…!" Anne yelled back.

The being took control of Marcy again, tutting as it shook Marcy's head back and forth. "Poor child, you don't know the extent of your own powers…" It said with a hint of faux remorse, Marcy's weak voice echoing along. "You're not here, you're on… Earth…" It seethed out. "But this is happening, this is real, and you know too much…" It hissed out.

Everything went blank.

Anne awoke again with another gasp.

What just happened moments ago…?

She scrambled to grab her phone to type it out before she forgot, already feeling like she was missing some details as she frantically typed out what happened.

Everything came to a halt as Anne tried to process what just happened. She looked down at her phone.

There were two dreams…? How come she only remembers one…?

She looked at the last line.

'It doesn't want you to know that–' It abruptly stopped. What? What is "it"? What doesn't it want her to know?

Something happened, and Anne needed to get to the bottom of it.

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