There Will Come a Ruler...

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"My lord, you've requested to speak to me…?" Andrias looked up at his orange-eyed lord.

A rough cough echoed throughout the chambers. "Andrias, my leviathan… Glad you could join me." It cooed out. "This vessel won't last any longer, I'm afraid. I need you to take my place as ruler. I have given you one of my gifts, you must use it wisely. I will find suitable beings for the other two gifts in time." It explained. Another cough rang out. "We will have your coronation tomorrow morning, you will be crowned King of Amphibia. King Andrias Leviathan, peacemaker of the six worlds." It announced to the salamander.

Andrias stared at his lord with wide eyes. "But why me?" He asked.

"Because," It coughed again. "You are quite an interesting specimen. You are able to live for thousands of years. You will be useful to me for quite a long time."

Andrias hummed. "I suppose that makes sense, my lord. I won't let you down." He said.

It chuckled, the voice low and rough, eyes narrow. "You better not, my leviathan…"

Andrias promised so many years ago. He saw generations grow old and die off, he's seen petty wars where the young get ruthlessly killed by the opposing side, he's seen it all. Life and death were nothing to him. As long as he didn't disappoint his lord, he had no meaning to worry about his life.

So when he had an almost lifeless child from another world laying in his hand? A child he promised to protect from the dangers of the many worlds?

It was all for his lord. Nothing else.

He didn't care…

Perhaps he did a little, but that's besides the point.

Love and loss was nothing. Deception was natural, lies were his strong suit because he could get anyone to do anything if they heard what they wanted to hear.

He has the box finally, he has a vessel for his lord.

He has completed his task.

The child is still young, his lord has much time with this vessel, as long as it played it safe.

It stung when he deposited the limp body into the blue liquid. It stung to leave her all alone… His lord was quite cruel sometimes, but it was the reason he was such a great and powerful leader.

So why did he wish he never stabbed Marcy…?

Facing her once again hurt because she was so out of character. It wasn't her, he had to constantly remind himself. Marcy was gone. She will never be back. Even though he didn't kill her body, she was gone. Her spirit was trapped under his lord's will.

When she walked away, it hurt the salamander. Leaving him behind to be locked into isolation once again as his lord got used to the new vessel and tested the powers that came with the gift of intelligence, it hurt.

It said it's been so long since it had even a bit of its powers back, and it evolved so much since the last time it had them.

Andrias wanted to feel no remorse. He didn't want all of this to hurt. He did this for his lord, he fulfilled his life's meaning.

So why did it hurt so much…?

Andrias grit his teeth and stood up, walking out of the throne room.

He's seen death in many ways, so why was this one close death that was tainting his hands so impactful…?

He's executed quite a few newt guards for their failures, so why was this any different?

Andrias walked down his kingdom's halls, lost in thought.

Everything was so empty… After the toad rebellion, nobody felt safe in Newtopia anymore, and they left their King behind.

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