Deals With the Symbiote-Demon-Thing

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Time was muddled to Marcy. Ever since her supposed death, she was so off track. Of course, she never had the best perception of time in the first place, but after getting stabbed and put into a coma for… Who knows how long, she struggled to grasp the concept of time once again.

So when she has been sitting there in that cold room she had her newt mother– Er… Olivia… She meant Olivia, not newt mom.

So when she's been sitting there in the room she had Olivia lock her into, it became even harder to tell time passing.

Marcy couldn't tell if her insomnia was acting up, or it hasn't really been that long since The Night decided to stay silent after Marcy's meltdown.

The teen tried to stand up, but her legs decided to not work with her today. She guessed it had to do with being stabbed through the spine.

Maybe The Night was the only thing keeping her nerves together…

Marcy hummed in thought. Perhaps they could come to some agreement. She needs The Night to function, and it needs her to be... Alive, she supposed.

"Hey." Marcy tried, but didn't get a response. "I'm ready to talk about this. I kinda need you, and you need me." She then tried.

"You are weak…" It spat back coldly.

Marcy huffed. "Like you're any better…" She grumbled. "Look, I want to compromise. I kinda need you to be able to walk. I don't want you just clocking out now, not when we're this close to seeing eye to eye."

It barked out sarcastic laughter. "Oh you poor mortal, needing to rely on me for basic motor functions…" It seethed. "I hate to say so, but I am done with compromises…" It hissed.

Marcy rolled her eyes. "Even chaos has it's compromises." She said. "And you are a being of chaos, are you not?" She then added.

It scowled. "I am beyond your mortal comprehension."

"Oh, so am I. Glad we have something in common then."

"I was making a joke about my hyperactivity and how people find it unnatural, but fine, don't even acknowledge it…" Marcy muttered, crossing her arms.

"You, young one, have a strange definition of humor…" It murmured.

Marcy shrugged. "I am strange in general, so I get that a lot."

It scowled again. "What do you want from me?"

Marcy hummed. "To be able to live in peace and still be able to walk around, perhaps? Yeah, that would be nice."

"I know no such thing as peace."

"Er… Isn't that like, your whole spiel…? Bringing a new era of peace?"

"There is no such thing as peace between you and I." It corrected.

Marcy shrugged. "Very well. Guess we'll be stuck here for quite a long time, Lord Night."

It didn't respond.

Marcy knew that was the end of that conversation.

"Tell me about yourself." Marcy then said.

"You could just go through my memories."

Marcy pouted. "It's not fun that way."

"Very well. I am The Night, Lord of the Six Realms. Each realm has their own gods and goddesses, ranging from large mythical beasts to kind immortal guardians, but I am their ruler overall."

"Go on…"

"Nobody knew of my actual existence before your fallen King, and now you. With no vessel for so long, I fear my realms have run astray. My core lives in the basement of this very castle, the current throne room built above my old chambers. Amphibia is the core world, contrary to what you believe. Every iteration of water and life stems from here. Your world amphibians are just what they adapted to become, alongside your plants and serpentine beasts."

"Man, you really love monologuing, huh?"

"You asked, I'm telling."

"True. I think I know enough though."

"Very well."

They fell back into an awkward silence.

Marcy cleared her throat. "How about I propose a peace treaty?" She asked.

It cocked their head to the side in response. "Oh? And what do you have in mind, little one?"

"You get to continue your work, I get to continue mine. But we have to listen to each other. If I think what you're doing is tearing a realm apart, then I won't be afraid to step in. If you think the laws I'm going to put into place will harm Amphibia, then we can talk it through." Marcy declared. "Of course, there's a lot of loopholes in that, so it isn't the official declaration, but we can shake on what we have so far and expand upon it before writing the official document of our… Symbiotic connection…? Sure, let's go with that." Marcy lifted their right hand.

Their left hand slowly raised, taking the right and shaking it.

"Glad we have a deal." Marcy said, letting their arms fall back to their side. She smiled. "Welcome to a new era of peace, Lord Night, for Marcy Wu, Chief Ranger of the Newtopian Night Guard, has arrived. You need me, I need you. Now, we wait for the box."

They fell into a comfortable silence, and they laid back down, exhaustion taking over Marcy.

"If Olivia comes back when I'm asleep, wake me up and give my control back, alright?"

"Very well."

Silence once again.

They were content with that.

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