The Leviathan's Prophecy

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Andrias swore to never make the same mistakes he did with Barrel and Rosetta. He swore to never be public about the prophecy he was destined to fulfill. After plenty of years, his citizens forgot as generations grew older, and it became easier to continue his plan.

For his lord, he was willing to do anything.

Yet he did the same exact things to Marcy as he did to Barrel. His very own successor to the gift of intelligence… Oh how he wished things didn't have to play out the way they did, but he needed to continue the prophecy.

At the very least, Marcy wasn't dead, and made a suitable vessel for his lord, even if she was no Barrel the Betrayer.

The leviathan sat upon his throne, gazing at the destroyed room and sighed. "The box still needs to be charged…" He mumbled under his breath.

"Indeed it does, my King. We shall continue our legacy once and for all."

Andrias looked down at the human vessel, dark hair partially covered the glowing orange eyes Andrias knew all too well. Seeing his lord in such a small vessel unsettled him somewhat.

Seeing his lord in the body of the child he swore to protect, he swore to keep safe, the one he stabbed to keep her from running away like Rosetta, going against his very own vow…

Oh how it disturbed him, and he knew his lord knew that.

"Your skin crawls with regret, my King…" The glowing orange eyes stared up at the leviathan newt, a knowing smirk on Marcy's face. "Your fear is apparent, your weakness is showing…" It hissed out. "The child is safe, don't worry. Her consciousness is calm, I made sure she was comfortable with my presence before I deprived her of her senses to talk to you."

"Of course, my lord. I wouldn't doubt you one bit to be able to tame an otherworldly creature as she." Andrias said, bowing the best he could as he still sat on his throne.

"Now, my leviathan… We must prepare. The one called Anne Boonchuy still has a connection, and we must sever it. Although it helps me know her retaliation, she mustn't know more about Rosetta's Shield." It explained.

"Yes, my lord." King Andrias quickly responded.

"Good, good… May Frog bless your path, my King. Let us finally bring peace and order to our worlds." It said, and grinned wildly.

Andrias could never picture a crazed face like that on Marcy's face.

It wasn't Marcy. it's not Marcy. Marcy is gone. Marcy won't have any say in this. It's his lord, and his lord knew exactly what he was doing.

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