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Sasha grunted as she pulled herself back up the window, huffing for a moment then looking back at the battlefield of a castle. Or… What used to be a warzone, at least. Sasha groaned and rubbed her head. She didn't take that long to get herself back up, did it? Where was Grime? Did Anne make it through the portal?

Where was Marcy…?

"Marcy?! Anne?! Grime?! Helloooo?!" Sasha called out, getting only echoes of her voice in return. Did she actually die when she was shoved out the window? Is she stuck in some lonely limbo where she's forced to stay in the broken down but still floating castle?

"Sasha…!" A rough voice called out, and Sasha immediately saw Grime.

Sasha ran over to the toad General. "What happened? What did I miss? I was almost a goner back there." She quickly asked.

Grime frowned, looking downcast. "Your friend fought quite the battle, Lieutenant, but…" He trailed off, looking at Sasha.

He used her title, not her name. Something bad happened.

"She didn't make it." Grime told the blonde.

Sasha's eyes widened in disbelief before she masked it with just a raised brow. "What do you mean she didn't make it? Anne? Marcy? Where are they?" The blonde asked, trying to ignore the tears that glossed over her eyes.

Grime put a hand up, the other situated behind it back, the pose almost as if he was giving scouts honor. "Anne went through the portal Marcy created with the box. As for Marcy…" He trailed off.

Sasha immediately pieced together what the toad was hinting at. "No… No! I don't believe you…!" She yelled out, tears pouring down her face. "Where is she?! Where is Marcy?!"

Grime's frown deepened, and he hesitantly reached out towards the blonde, but never made contact. "She died in the battle, Lieutenant… I'm sorry…" He murmured, looking away from the teen who was riddled with denial. "King Andrias, he… He stabbed right through her spine and ribcage with his sword. There's no way she could survive that blow, even if the wounds would be instantly cauterized." The toad explained. "I'm sorry…" He murmured softly, voice full of sorrow.

Sasha's face scrunched up in grief, in anger, as a crushing feeling of loneliness washed over her. So Sasha did what she did best, lashing out instead of confronting her emotions. She punched the stone wall of the throne room over and over, even though she knew it was useless, even if she knew it wouldn't bring her friend back. She felt tears roll down her face but she ignored them in favor of letting her rage take over.

"Sasha." Grime tried to say, but the blonde didn't listen to him, her fists striking the wall over and over. They felt sore, but she ignored that. "Sasha…!" Grime yelped out again, taking some steps towards his lieutenant.

Sasha refused to listen. Her fists collided with the stone over and over and she grit her teeth in pain, but she didn't stop.

Even if it won't do anything… Even if she's just a destructive kid, even if she can't be trusted, even if it won't bring Marcy back, even if… Even if. It's always even if.

Even if this… Even if that… There's so many horrible qualities to Sasha, she can't list them all off the top of her head.

"Sasha!" Grime roared out, pulling the blonde back away from the wall and holding her raw and bloodied hands. "Listen to me, Lieutenant, this won't get you anywhere…!" He told Sasha. "Look at me, Lieutenant, look me in the eye and tell me what we need to do." He then growled out.

Without missing a beat, Sasha took her chance to pull away from Grime. "We gather our army, gain new recruits, and come up with a plan to kill Andrias." Sasha commanded, rubbing her sore hands together. "First we gather the Tower Captains since they are still at our allegiance, and we head to the Valley. If anyone is to back us up, it would be Wartwood after they hear what happened." She explained. "This place is abandoned, Andrias is in hiding, and it seems he took Marcy's body with him for some sick reason…" Sasha growled out. "Where's the box? Did that land with Anne, or does Andrias have it as well?" She then asked.

Grime shrugged. "I was knocked against the wall pretty hard, Lieutenant. All I know is Anne and the Planters went through the portal and Marcy got stabbed." He answered.

Sasha grimaced. "Then we need to find a way to get that back too. Whatever Anne did, we have some connection to the box, and I don't want that power in Andrias' hands, got it?" She then added on to the growing list of things to accomplish.

"Then let's get going, Lieutenant. We don't have much time to waste if we want to take down King Andrias as quick as we possibly can." Grime decided.

Sasha nodded and whistled out a familiar pitch. She picked it up after hearing it be used so many times in just the few days she was reunited with her friends. Joe Sparrow's summoning whistle, one he learned to obey from Marcy herself.

Joe Sparrow flew in through one of the broken windows and landed in front of Sasha and Grime. He tilted his head when he didn't see Marcy.

Sasha frowned at that, but got on the large bird, pulling Grime up after her. She held the bird's reins and eyed Grime warily. "Are you ready?" She asked, earning a nod in reply from the toad. "Then to whatever's left of a toad outpost, here we come." Sasha said in determination, pulling Joe Sparrow's reins and starting their new mission to save every world out there from Andrias' tyranny.

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