Shifting Minds

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"Don't defy me, you're living a lie…" The eerie voice sneered at Marcy.

Marcy shifted in the dark void. Anne appeared in front of her again, eyes glowing bright orange, a sickening smirk on her face.

"It's… Not real…?" Marcy croaked out, her throat feeling sore for some reason.

"Of course it's fake…! You really aren't as smart as you claim to be, Marcy Wu…" Anne snarked, a slight echo in her voice.

Marcy frowned, looking away. "Anne, stop it, this isn't funny." She stated, looking back into Anne's bright orange eyes.

"Don't be daft, child. I'm not Anne Boonchuy." It spit out, shifting into a giant mechanical being, it's previous form splitting in half as if it just shed Anne's skin.

Marcy yelped, staring at the multiple orange eyes that glared back at her. "What do you want from me?!" She yelled, terrified of what the mechanical being could do to her.

"Nothing much, just your corporeal form, Chief Ranger Marcy Wu…" It said in a sickly sweet tone, and for a moment, Marcy could envision one of Sasha's fake but confident smiles on the being's face.

Spindly pipe-like limbs reached out towards Marcy, gripping tightly against the raven-haired teen's wrists.

Marcy pulled and tugged the best she could, but got exhausted quickly, slumping against the hold she was put in. "You won't get away with this… A-Anne will stop you… S-Sasha will t-too… I-I'll be back… You c-can't stop me…" She tiredly declared.

"Oh dear child, you are so naive… You aren't getting your body back, that belongs to me now." It said, tilting its head as it held up Marcy, almost with a hint of pride.

Marcy felt pain, shooting burning pain. She could hear a liquid draining, she could faintly feel herself falling limp against a cold surface, then her sense of feeling was gone.

Marcy's eyes snapped open, her limbs moving on their own as she stood back up. "I feel your presence, child…" She automatically spoke.

She had no control. She couldn't do anything.

She had no control.

Why did she have no control?

Why do I have no control?

Why can't I do anything?

Please… Please I want my body back… Please… I can't do this…

You can't have it back, child. Your King was given specific orders, and he followed them well. You're weak… And you get to watch everything I do to your friend…

Marcy saw Anne finally, pipe-like limbs tugging on the brunette's wrists.

"Ah… I found you, Anne Boonchuy…"

No! Stop! Don't do anything to her! Please…!

"This isn't real! I'm dreaming…!" Anne shouted, pulling against the grip she was put in.

Please… Please! Let her go! She didn't do anything!

Calm down, Chief Ranger, I can't do any actual damage to her while she's in this state.

What state…?

See for yourself, you blind buffoon…!

Marcy saw a very faint blue aura surrounding Anne and everything finally registered.

"Poor child, you don't know the extent of your own powers…" It cooed out in Marcy's voice. Oh how she hated it. Oh how she hated how it could have so much power over her… Oh how she loathed it.

I can feel what you feel, child… You can't hide anything from me… Hate me all you want, I'm a part of you now…

Leave me alone…!

If you wish…

Everything went dark. No sense of touch, no sense of smell, no sense of sight, Marcy wasn't sure about taste but she wasn't going to test. But she could still hear the conversation going on… And oh how she wished she could comprehend her emotions well enough in this state. She had nothing to go off of. But at least she didn't feel the lingering presence of the mechanical being.

"You're not here, you're on… Earth…" It stated to Anne. "But this is happening, this is real, and you know too much…" It hissed out.

Something happened, Marcy knew that. Marcy felt empty now. She didn't realize she felt another presence until it was gone. Now she just feels cold… Now she knows something more is missing.

Are you done, child…? Do you want some control back…?

Yes please.

Good, good. It's honestly very boring. You ache too much and it's exhausting.

Marcy immediately felt the shift in power, and she stumbled, the pain hitting her immediately. The burning of her chest flared up again and it felt like every joint was dislocated and popped back in simultaneously and she just had to deal with the pain.

She moved her hand to her face, her whole arm shaking. "I'm back… Oh god, I'm back…" She breathed out. She looked down and tugged on the dark wetsuit that was plastered to her body.

It felt suffocating… Oh god, she needed to get out.

She felt alone… She felt so, so alone… It felt like her heart ached for any sort of presence.

How long was she going to stay down here?

How long will she be stuck with her thoughts and someone who can easily card through them and reply…?

Hopefully forever, child.

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