Passing Time

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Andrias paced back and forth. At least, he tried.

It wasn't easy to move when you were literally chained against the wall and locked in a cell that was just a little too cramped, especially when you were a giant salamander who was so used to the large architecture of his castle.

It's been a bit since he last talked to Marcy.

He couldn't tell how long… There wasn't a clock.

If there was, it's way too damn dark for him to tell.

The chains rattled at his every move.

Metal hitting metal, over and over…

It was somewhat calming to him, to have a sense of repetition.

He's counted over thousands of sounds, all just being his chains hitting each other, him, the floor, stray trays of sparse meals he didn't eat, or the cell bars themselves.

He huffed, looking around wildly, trying to find something new. Anything.

Anything that could help him…

His search was deemed unsuccessful once again.

He made his cells very secure, which backfired against him in the end.

He resorted back to gnawing on the chains that held him back before quickly giving up due to his gums hurting.

His stomach growled and he looked down at the stray meal trays, tempted to eat something, then tore his gaze away.

He couldn't…

This would be such a painful way to go though…

He looked back down, frowning.

"Hel- …"


"Ab- … -t ti- … -e." Even with the words breaking, he could hear the snarkiness in her tone.

Now's not the time.

"W- … -l what do y- … - want me to do then? This whole limbo thing is a bit boring." Her voice stopped crackling and came through smoother.

You're not dead.

"So where am I then, huh?"

Still in your body, just… Not in control anymore. My lord is in control.

"So basically limbo. I know what it's like, I was there for a while before 'your lord' gave me a false world where everything was fine and I lived my life with Anne."

That was only two weeks altogether.

"It felt like years…"


Yes, I can hear you…

"How long has it been…? I feel like I've lived through so many lies…"

Maybe five weeks at most…? I dunno, I stopped counting…

"It feels like it's been years… This entire thing, stealing the box, coming to Amphibia… It's only been a few months tops, hasn't it…?"

I'm afraid so.

"I shouldn't have even tempted fate… I wouldn't have died, Sasha wouldn't have almost died, Anne would be able to live her life without worrying if she and the Planters would have to go a day without food… I wouldn't have to deal with you."

We would've found a way to Earth anyways to retrieve the box.

"And how?"

Getting a vessel for my lord. We don't need to box to travel through your various worlds as long as my lord is free. The box is used to contain his gifts for the next successor.

"I don't want this gift…"

Neither did I… But for my lord, I would do anything.

My lord will realize that I still care. My lord will let me go. That was just one moment of doubt, my loyalty is strong.

"You were chained up by 'your lord', do you really think he cares about you?"

Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't…

"Well, you think about that."


Andrias sighed and went back to pulling on his chains.

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