False Prophecy

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"King Andrias…? King Andrias, I had a quick question before I continued. Sorry if I'm bothering you, sir." A pink frog hopped up to the blue newt king.

Andrias removed his glasses and put down his book, giving the frog a kind smile. "Oh, you're not a bother, Rosetta. And no need to be formal either." He reassured the frog. He put his hand out, Rosetta hopping onto it and climbing onto his shoulder.

Rosetta cleared her throat. "Er… Right. I'm still getting used to all of this…" She mumbled under her breath. "Anyways, General Barrel says the northern summits are cleared out and we can start to set up my temple and connect the stones to it." Rosetta reported. "I was wondering… Can I have a guardian that can transport the true gem keeper to the temple so it can recharge the gem for the box?" She then asked.

Andrias' grin grew wider. "Oh you're quite the genius, aren't you, Rosetta…!" He bellowed out. "As long as we can triangulate the temple's locations with the gems, you can do whatever you want for your temple to prove the worthiness of the holder." He then explained. "You and I both know nobody else really can hold this power like we can and keep peace like we do." He added that as a tease.

Rosetta grinned at the King’s light banter. "Whoever Barrel's successor is, they better not be some ruthless general." She said, snickering. "Barrel is too much of a soft lug to actually be controlling."

The King chuckled. "Of course not. I chose a great general who was chosen to wield the gift of strength." He replied. "And you always keep the peace. There's a reason the box chose you to wield the gift of compassion."

Rosetta sighed. "I just want to have something that will last long, have my name known by the world. Look at Barrel, he has Barrel's Warhammer, and that thing will last ages." She admitted.

King Andrias hummed in thought. "How about we get you a shield? As a symbol of protection and peace."

"And to complete the prophecy, are you our archer?" Rosetta asked teasingly.

King Andrias laughed at that. "I would definitely need to practice, but to fulfill the prophecy, I will do anything." He told the pink frog.

And he stuck to his word. He would do anything, even if that meant slaying those who were the closest to him or losing them and letting them die in another world.

"Barrel, can I see you in my basement tonight? I have a mission for you." Andrias said, though his gaze was dark and uncaring.

Barrel looked up at the towering King. How long have they been friends? How much more will the newt King grow? Barrel just nodded and bowed. "I'll meet you there, broski." He said.

Andrias scowled at the toad's words. They didn't take over worlds to become ones with the lowlives. They took over worlds to fulfill the prophecy and Barrel was straying from that path. "Very well." He said plainly. "You may go." He commanded.

Barrel bowed again then rushed out of the throne room.

Andrias sighed, rubbing his temples. "Lady Olivia!" He shouted out.

"Y-Yes sire…!" A very young blue newt came running into the room and kneeled and bowed at the King's feet.

"At ease, Lady Olivia." Andrias commanded.

"Yes sire." Olivia automatically responded, getting up.

Andrias sighed. "Can you go fetch Rosetta for me? She's been spending too much time at Wartwood and I need her back here. Take one of the sparrows." He instructed.

Olivia nodded. "Yes sire." She responded, then started to walk out.

"Oh, and Olivia?" Andrias called out before the young newt could get out of the throne room.

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