It Watches in the Shadows...

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Marcy jolted awake with a gasp.

Every night played out the same, she awoke, tried to calm her breathing, got reassured by Anne, and slowly but surely fell back asleep only to fall into another nightmare once again.

Her chest burned. That wasn't new. It's been going on for quite awhile, and time seemed so warped to her at this point, she isn't sure how long it's been going on.

Anne stirred awake at Marcy's sporadic movements, already knowing what was taking place. "Calm down, Marcy… You're safe, it's okay…" Anne quietly reassured, looking up at her raven-haired girlfriend.

Marcy wasn't exactly sure when they started dating and that worried Anne a bit, but that wasn't important to Marcy right now.

Time is nothing, time is just a perception to try and grasp the concept of the world, time didn't exist, not to Marcy.

Time wasn't–

"Quiet, child…" A voice in her head seethed, draining Marcy of all her current thoughts.

Marcy looked at Anne. "I'm… Not quite sure it is…" She murmured with a frown. "Anne, I don't care what you say, Sasha didn't have anything to do with this. How did you get to Sasha when I asked about Andrias?" Marcy then asked.

"Mar-Mar, that conversation was like, a month ago. Why are you still on this topic?" Anne asked in return.

Marcy raised a brow. "That was a month? What do you mean? It felt like yesterday." She asked.

"The whole thing alongside when you brought up that you might need glasses? Yeah, that whole conversation was a month ago." Anne replied.

Marcy groaned. "I have no perception of time…" She grumbled to herself, rubbing her face. "Whatever. Thinking back to that conversation, those didn't correlate. I asked about Andrias, not Sasha. What happened with Andrias?" She then asked, looking at Anne with a serious look on her face.

Why can't she just get a straight answer? Why does everyone feel like they need to walk on eggshells around her? She isn't a baby, she doesn't need to be babied, she is fully capable of taking down a full grown newt if need be, so why was she seen as not worthy of this information?

"You've been here for quite awhile now, Marcy Wu… At least, in your mind's time, that is… How about you face me yourself, child…?" That same eerie voice rang out, and everything went dark.

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