Heir of Wit

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It grinned to itself. "Finally… Silence." It said, walking through the empty castle halls. To it, nothing changed - besides Marcy’s constant pestering - being trapped in the basement for so long because Andrias built over it's core.

But now it's got it's own vessel once again. After thousands of years, it's back.

And this Marcy Wu won't stand in its way anymore.

Defiance held a being back. A mere mortal like Marcy Wu wouldn't understand though.

Everything seemed so quiet without her cutting in though.

It scowled. This body had no strength. But the gift of wit was better than pure strength could ever be, it supposed. The pure fear its words could bring was more than enough to satisfy it’s dark immortal soul.

It supposed it couldn’t yell like a toad could. It walked out onto one of the castle balconies, cupping her hands around her face. “My loyal subjects, you are safe! You may come out of hiding!” It yelled out the loudest her body allowed it to. “Fear not, for your lord has arrived! Where your incompetent King has failed, I will pick up the pieces and succeed!”


Newtopia really was truly deserted.

It turned and walked off the balcony, then faced a scared guard, grinning wildly at the fear emanating off them. “Gather our forces, we put an end to the toads once and for all. That’s an order from your Chief Ranger.” It barked out.

“Y-Yes Ma’am…!” They yelped out.

“‘My lord’ works fine, small newt.” It said.

“Yes my lord.” They replied, then scampered off to gather the rest of the Newtopian guard they could.

It grimaced, a headache forming. "Your body is very uncooperative sometimes, little one…" It grumbled.

Well maybe because it wasn't built to–

It groaned and cut Marcy off, not letting the teen continue her sentence.

"You! Little frog!" It called out, pointing to a small frog that worked as… It searched through Marcy's memories. They were an intern for something, it didn't dig too far. "Gather the most you can of Newtopia. I will make my full debut today. I will let the world know that a new era of peace is to come, for  The Night is back." It grinned.

The frog yelped. "Er… Yes ma'am…?" They awkwardly said.

It seethed. "Call me your lord. There is no other title for me to come out of your mortal mouth." It said through grit teeth.

The frog quickly nodded and saluted The Night.

The Night grinned. "Good, good. Go notify my citizens to gather. We are safe here in the land of peace. We will put an end to the toads who disrupted and destroyed our civilization." It commanded.

The frog nodded then ran off.

It huffed, grin immediately falling. Green flashed in it's vision.

They doubled back in pain.

It's headache worsened.

Her chest burned horribly.

Every joint ached with every small movement.

They groaned, trying to keep their footing.

"Get back…" It seethed.

"No… Let me go…!" She shot back.

A roar ripped itself out of their throat, and their hands moved to tightly grasp their arms, nails digging into flesh.




They huffed, panting heavily.

"Your body is so fragile… You wouldn't want something to happen to it, do you…?" It vaguely threatened her.

Their head shook.

"I didn't think so." It said.

They grinned wickedly.

"So sit back and let me do this, or I can tear you apart from the inside out…" It growled.

No response.

It grinned wider. It got her in line. It has all the control again, and it knew she wouldn't pull anything like that again, not after that threat.

It screeched, falling to the ground before it could stop itself.


"You forget I can pull the strings too." She plainly responded.

Their face scrunched up into a scowl.

"You're very aggravating, child…" It growled.

They smiled cheekily.

"Good, because you're gonna deal with me for quite a long time, and I will be as annoying as I have to be to keep my point intact." She shot back.

They got up, dusting themself off.

"Now, Night demon whatever-you-are, Marcy Wu is here and you can't get rid of me, got it?" She grinned. "How's it feel to be the one in the back seat, huh?"

"I hate it…!"


Marcy marched down the hallway. "Forget everything it said as it posed as me!" She called out. "Keep rounding up the guards though! I need to provide Sasha with an army!" She quickly added.

She stood there, grinning happily. "Ah, it's great to be back. I figured the gift of intelligence would come in handy at some point since you kept mentioning it." She said.

It didn't respond, but she knew it could hear her.

"Only I can tap into that power now. It's not yours anymore, Lord Night, or whatever. Even in my body, you can't touch it." Marcy snarked. "So don't even try, because you are much weaker than you claim you are…" She then hissed out.

No response.

For once, Marcy was fine with that.

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