Where Am I Really...?

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Burning. Her chest was burning. That sensation never seemed to go away for some reason. Why? Why did her heart run wild? Was it even her heart causing this pain?

It felt like…

It almost felt like she was–

Marcy awoke with a gasp, jolting up. She put a hand on her chest, trying to calm her breathing, trying oh so very hard to slow her heart rate. "Anne?!" She called out, looking around. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and gave herself a sad smile. Her hair was longer than she remembered, and bags formed under her eyes from constantly waking up from vague nightmarish… Nightmares, she supposed they were. Just straight up nightmares, but they never got to the worst point.

Something stirred next to her. "What's up, Marbles…? Night terrors again…?" Anne softly asked, her voice a bit groggy from just being awoken. Her hair grew out quite a bit too, Marcy noticed.

Marcy hummed. "Maybe? I'm not sure. It's like there's some message being told, but it never gets to the important point…" She murmured out in response.

Anne shrugged. "It's probably nothing, dude. C'mon, lay back down." She mumbled, patting the spot next to her.

Marcy seemed hesitant. She looked back at the mirror. Has her vision always been that bad? She squinted as she tried to see herself in the mirror. "I think I might need glasses." Marcy told the brunette.

"That's a worry for another day, Mar-Mar." Anne hummed out in reply. "Right now, you need to sleep." She added.

Marcy winced at Anne calling her Mar-Mar. She wasn't sure why she had that reaction. She wasn't sure why–

Why did her mind immediately go to King Andrias? What did he do?

Marcy tried to keep her breath steady. "H-Hey Anne…? What happened with Andrias…?" She asked, looking back at her friend.

Anne frowned. "You really don't remember…?" She asked, staring right into Marcy's eyes.

Marcy swore she saw a hint of orange, but shrugged it off as a trick of light. "No, I don't… What happened?" She asked.

Anne sat up, shuffling around for a moment until she was comfortable. She reached a hand out. "Can I touch you? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable." She asked.

Marcy shrugged. "I don't see why not. I mean  you hug me all the time, what's one small touch gonna–" Marcy got cut off when Anne placed her hand on her chest.

Burning. Even more burning. Why did it burn? Why did it hurt?

Why did it feel like she got–

She was stabbed through the chest. Marcy remembers now.

Oh, how she wished she didn't push, oh how she wished she could live in ignorance of what happened.

Why can't she remember who did it though?

Marcy let out a pained gasp and Anne pulled her hand away. "Who… Who did this…?" She asked quietly, her voice shaking as waves of pain still crashed over her.

Anne scowled. "Sasha…" She growled out.

"No! No, she wouldn't do that…!" Marcy immediately jumped to defense. "She wouldn't hurt us! Yeah, she's capable of it, but she never would put us in physical harm's way!" Marcy argued.

Anne's scowl deepend. "She's past redemption, she's only after power, she doesn't care about us. She almost killed you, Marcy…!" Anne desperately tried to tell her raven-haired best friend.

Marcy felt tears well up in her eyes. "That can't be true… Sash… She wouldn't…" She stammered out in disbelief.

Anne huffed. "Oh, but she did…" The brunette growled out in response. "And she will pay for what she did."

Marcy knew Anne wouldn't hold back, but this wasn't like Anne at all.

This wasn't like…

This wasn't…

This wasn't Anne! This wasn't like Anne at all!

Where did the time go? It seemed like just yesterday she was 13, why? What happened? Why was time moving so fast?

Why did Anne change…?

Is this even her Anne…?

Was any of this real…?


Is anybody out there…? Where did everyone go? Where did the walls go? Why am I floating in a dark void?

Why is there an eerie voice…?

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