Just a Little Bit of Time

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"How're you all doing tonight?!" The blonde yelled into his mic, smiling at the positive response.

Sasha Waybright, now 17, made a name for himself in the music industry, but didn't really tour, usually only playing at his hometown or at Newtopia, both of which tickets sell out quickly for. His scar was still visible, and he didn't bother to even cover it up like people suggest he should. Large sharp bottom canines poked out of his lips.

"I have some people to introduce you to." He said. "You wanna meet them?"

The crowd cheered.

"I'll take that as a yes. Ayo, you can come out now."

A snicker echoed out of the speakers.

"I'm pretty sure everyone knows I'm a lesbian." A brunette said, stepping onto the stage.

"Anne, I'm saying this as kindly as I can, shut the fuck up with your dad jokes." Sasha deadpanned.

Anne Boonchuy, now 16 and turning 17 soon, worked at her parent's restaurant and the Planter's vegetable stand. She stood taller than the blonde, and her branches gave another few inches.

"Where's Marce?" Sasha asked.

A thump, and a hand poked out from under a curtain.

"Question answered. You alright Marbles?" He then asked.

Marcy gave a thumbs up and picked themself back up and walked out onto the actual stage. The crowd went absolutely ballistic.

"You might wanna get someone to check those wires." They nervously said, grinning shyly.

"Are you sure it was the wires?" Sasha asked.

Marcy was silent for a moment then sighed. "It was fighting with me again…" They muttered. "But those wires still tripped me up, so…!" They then accused.

Marcy Wu, now 17, was actually a popular streamer, which explained the crowd reaction. They stood the tallest between all three of them, Anne's horns not counting. They cut their hair after growing it out past their shoulders, preferring it short. One eye had an orange iris which was rimmed by green, the other was their normal brown. Thin black frames rested upon their nose as Marcy finally caved and got glasses. They still had trouble with mobility, considering they were stabbed through the spine and can only walk because of their symbiotic relationship with The Night and every quarrel left the paralyzed teen on the ground every so often.

Anne bumped her head against Marcy's softly, so as to not hurt them, and smiled. "Be careful, ya doof." She said.

Marcy shrugged. "I tried, but there's wires all around. You can't blame me for getting tripped up. It wasn't even arguing that much, I would've been fine." They responded. "Sash, c'mere." They then said.

The blonde obeyed, walking over. "You seem to have some fans out there, Mar. Are you even gonna say hi to them?" He teased.

Marcy hummed. "Hey chat, but irl…!" They greeted, then softly bumped Sasha's head because they picked up the affectionate habit from Anne.

Sasha laughed and lightly kissed the tip of Marcy's nose in return.

"The Night also says hello." Marcy then said.

Sasha grimaced. "Yeah, no. Tell it to mind it's damn business. We're having a show going on at the moment and we don't need you collapsing."

"Noted. It says it hates you too, so… There's that." Marcy replied.

The crowd chuckled at the banter.

"Anyways…!" Sasha turned back to the crowd, gesturing to Marcy. "This is my partner Marcy, a lot of you guys seem to already know them, but they're a streamer." He announced, then turned and gestured to the brunette. "And this is Anne. She's Marcy's girlfriend and my best friend of… About 12 years now. Right now it's a queer platonic relationship, I think… So yeah."

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