General's Story

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"How'd you sleep last night, Grimesy?" Sasha asked, looking at the toad captain.

"Apparently better than you…" He croaked out. "You look like a mess, Lieutenant."

Sasha frowned. She knew he was right, she could feel the burning of her exhausted eyes, the heaviness of her eyelids. "I… I think I had some vision, but I can't tell. I was overlooked, I wasn't addressed at all." She murmured. "Anne and Marcy were there, but Anne was speaking as if she was the one asleep… And… Marcy…" Sasha shuttered, thinking back on the orange glow that seemed to haunt her conscious, the mechanical whir of everything still echoed freshly in the back of her mind.

Grime walked over to the blonde, patting her shoulder. "I… Honestly don't know anything about that, but I wouldn't be surprised if the box is keeping you subconsciously connected. You said it yourself, whatever happened to Anne wasn't a human thing, so it had to be connected to the box. Maybe it's keeping you connected even though you aren't awake." He theorized. "Opening a portal must've drained the box, and whatever connects to it, like how you can make Barrel's Warhammer glow, must've gone back to you. You did mention that you didn't feel the same after the third temple, and you were the one to charge the stone… Do you perhaps think that's connected?"

Sasha shrugged. "I don't know how this stuff works… That would be a Marcy thing… But we don't have Marcy." She pointed out.

Grime huffed. "Don't think like that. If Anne was able to communicate, then surely you can too. If it's still keeping you connected, something is keeping Marcy alive, even if she's not conscious." He said. "Look kid, I don't know much of any of this, but hearing Marcy's constant rambling and all your squabbles in the time I've been around you in the past few days, this box isn't anything ordinary at all. Maybe Marcy's life was linked to it ever since the three of you came in contact with it, meaning yours is too. Who knows." He added.

Sasha shrugged again, looking away from Grime. "I never listened to what she said… I should've. Fuck, I really should've listened to her…! There's so much she had info on, but I ignored it!" She growled out.

Sasha didn't notice the small pink sparks that emanated off her arms.

"Calm down, I don't want you breaking something that could possibly be valuable." Grime warned.

Sasha looked back at Grime. "Who cares…?! Marcy's life was valuable too, but that was thrown away…!" Sasha barked out, gritting her teeth afterwards. "Does anything really matter if Andrias can get away with throwing away such a valuable life…?! D-Does anything matter if he can throw away such a high ranking person with no remorse…?" Sasha didn't notice the tears streaming down her face until one hit her balled fists. She hastily wiped them away, but they just easily replaced themselves. "Andrias needs to pay… He can't get away with this… We need to get our forces quicker, we have no time to rest around like this." Sasha seethed out, whistling a pitch out to summon Joe Sparrow once again.

She quickly climbed on top of the large bird, pulling Grime up before he could protest, grabbing the reins and flying off.

"What do you plan to accomplish this way, Lieutenant?" Grime asked.

Sasha scowled. "Getting my control back and using it for a good cause." She growled out to the toad general. "We're taking Andrias down. He can't stop a whole army if we have all the outside support. Anne had connections in Newtopia as well, we can get insiders. Marcy was the Chief Ranger, she was probably an idol for so many as well. Hearing what that tyrant did to her, they wouldn't dare support him ever again." Sparks flew, but yet again, Sasha failed to notice.

"Watch it, Sasha. Control your temper." Grime warned. "As much as we toads love displays of strength, frogs are known for compassion and community. Your anger will just push them away." He explained.

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