I hate you

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(I don't really know what type it falls under. But basically this is a weird auction thing where Bucky sells himself for a night. If this makes you uncomfortable, skip to the next chapter.)

"Look, it's just one night. You don't have to do anything you don't want and if you feel weird at anytime punch them and come to my place. I'll deal with the aftermath."

They were at a charity gala. Sharon was hosting this and trying her best to raise the required sum to help fund Project Shelter of the GRC. She had gotten insider information that if the required amount couldn't be raised, the GRC would use that as an excuse to delay the Project Shelter and ultimately scrap it.

The gala was raising money through an auction. Well known government officials where auctioning themselves along with a couple up and coming celebs. She couldn't really get an actual celeb. So Sharon tried convincing Bucky to participate in it.

"I don't understand, how are you so sure that me going up is the answer to this situation?"

"Because this place is full of government and military personnel and you're an actual legend to these people. The former Winter Soldier. Getting a night with you would give them bragging rights and a power trip. Plus, you aren't really sore on the eyes or anything."

Sharon shrugged as Bucky glared at her. She huffed and added, "Look, I'm trying my best. All you have to do is get on the damn stage and look pretty for a couple minutes until some dumb perv drops the money. Just give them a sedative or something, you're free in the morning. If the Project fails, it will break Sam's heart. You want that?"

"This isn't fair, Agent Carter. You can't do that!" Torres hissed. He knew what she was doing. Anyone who even saw Bucky in passing knew, he'd do anything for Sam. Except for maybe Sam himself. He was always so oblivious to people being in love with him.

"It's okay, Torres. I'll do it."

"Good, now wash your face, take the shirt off and get backstage. And remember, it's just a date. If they even try to touch you, break their hand. I'll deal with it."

Bucky flipped her off but did what she said.

Sam didn't understand how the auction thing was even legal, it really bothered him, but Sharon had assured him that it was okay and everyone on stage was there on their own accord. He had unintentionally agreed to be Sharon's date to the event so he arrived separately from Bucky who had asked Torres to be his date. Sharon was busy announcing the people on the stage and auctioning off their nights.

So he was talking to one of the agents who claimed to be his fan. She had pictures of him from his Falcon days and a couple recent ones where he was wearing his Wakandan suit as Captain America. She wanted Sam to sign them and Sam happily obliged. Sam was used to having fans ever since he became an Avenger, but his fans seem to have quadrupled ever since he became Captain America.

The next announcement caused Sam to stop what he was doing and run towards the front of the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome the main attraction of tonight. The former Winter Soldier, Sargeant James Barnes."

What the hell? Bucky was auctioning his night off?

Sam had seen how pretty much everyone being auctioned wore little to nothing, but seeing Bucky standing their without his shirt was something else. Sam felt angry.

Bucky casually cracked his neck. His head falling back and to the right with his eyes closed. He rubbed the bottom of his jaw with the back of his hand. Those movement weren't anything scandalous. They were innocent actually. But somehow ridiculously hot.

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