Steve! Your boyfriends are fighting!

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"Of course you want to go to the museum, all your friends are there, dinosaur." Tony said rolling his eyes.

"Where do you want to go? To the hospital? Where all your fellow sickly people are." Bucky countered.

"Oh please, you should be at a mental institution, you psycho."

"You should be on a reality show titled, 'Tony and his 50+ mental illnesses'."

"You..." Tony began but was cut off by Natasha screaming, "Steve! You boyfriends are fighting! Again!"

Both the men glared at Nat. Bucky flipped Nat off. The other Avengers gasped.

"Do you not have any concern for your well being, mortal?" Thor asked.

"You're dead." Rhodey said.

Bucky ignored them and walked to Sam. He buried his head in Sam's neck. And to everyone's surprise, Sam wrapped his arms around Bucky.

Steve finally entered the room, "I leave for 5 minutes. What is going on?"

"We're a little lost." Tony said as he threw his legs on top of Rhodey's. Being short had it's perks, he could comfortably lay down on the couch.

Steve looked at Nat for an explanation. She shook her head, "Bucky and Tony were fighting. And now Tony is laying on the couch and Bucky's hiding in Sam's arms."

Steve sighed and facepalmed, "And why exactly were they fighting?"

"Bucky wanted to go to the museum. Tony wanted stay home and day drink." Bruce explained.

"Is no one going to question how Bucky and Sam are currently cuddling on the other couch? I thought they hated each other?" Tony asked.

"Oh we still do." Sam replied. Almost immediately after that Sam's eyes widened just a little bit before going back to normal. He grit his teeth and looked down.

"What's going on, Sam?" Nat asked with a grin. She already knew exactly what was happening.

Sam tried to answer but his mouth fell open as Bucky bit and sucked at the sweet spot on his neck. Bucky's hair concealed what he was doing but it's effect on Sam was very clear.

"Sam, you okay there, pal?" Steve asked concerned.

"He looks more than okay to me." Rhodey stated. He was well aware of the situation.

"What do you know?" Tony asked with his eyes narrowed.

"Nothing." Rhodey responded.

"Maybe he is choking on something!" Thor adds. He gets up but Bruce tugs at his wrist.

"He's not choking." Bruce replied pointing at Sam who was now clearing his throat.

"I'm fine." Sam answers.

"Okay. Now I would like to know since when are you two friends?" Steve asked.

Nat and Rhodey shared a look as they tried to suppress their amusement.

"Since when do you two have inside jokes?" Tony asked annoyed.

"We both have to deal with you, of course we have inside jokes, Tony." Rhodey said sarcastically.

"No one likes me, I want Pep." Tony huffed.

Steve walked past Tony, poking his shoulder, before he walked up to Sam and Bucky and tried to get Bucky's attention, "You okay?"

"Yepp." Bucky replied. He turned to grin at everyone. "I'm okay, now."

It caught Steve's eyes first. And he looked between Bucky and the mark on Sam's neck.

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