♤ Stuck with you ♤

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* Warning!: None~
* Notes: implied on female readers
* Well, this can be read by other too, just try to avoid the pronouns~
* Fluff

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It was a beautiful evening; Y/n was getting ready to go on a party and she requested her lover to join with her, "Juuzou come na!! It's gonna be fun...", she said while making a cute puppy face.

"Hell nah! Last time I went to a party it was fucking boring and you know how much I hate boring places."

"Well, that party WAS boring but this one is not gonna be boring I swear!"

"Nah I would rather sit in my house and enjoy some movies~"

"Ok then! Stay in home and watch movies like an old man hmphh"

"Yes I will~ and for your kind information every human of every age watches movies silly women!"

"Do whatever you want~ in fact why do I even care if you are coming or not cause Michael and George are already attending the party, I will have fun with them~", Y/n said in a teasing tone.

"You didn't said that they are coming too..." Juuzou squinted his eyes at y/n.

"Why do you care? You are not-"

"I AM COMING with you!"

"No why? Sit home and binge watch those weird movies!"

"Shut up."

After they both got ready, they headed for the party.

"Oi y/n how I'm looking?", Juuzou asked with curiosity.

"Like my brother lol"

"Ah I see someone's wishing for death huh~"

"Juuzou don't start a fight with me now..."

"Not interested~ I'm here just to enjoy the food~"

"Yeah I know", y/n said with disappointment.

After entering the party, Juuzou settled himself in front of the food counter and a friend of y/n greeted her, "Heya Y/n welcome to my partyyy~"

"Hi! Thanks Aisha for inviting us."

"Ahh, I see you have brought Juuzou too..."

"This idiot wasn't going to come, he only came here because Michael and George was attending this party too.", Aisha looked at Juuzou mischievously, "Mhhhmmm Jealous huh..."

"N-no not at all I came here for food..."

"Food huh?! I don't think sooo~ anyway y/n come dance with us"

"Yeah sure~", y/n then left Juuzou alone in counter, cause he was not going to dance to anyways. Y/n was already lost in the crowd, as Juuzou expected.

"I knew this was gonna be boring... Why did I even came here!!", Juuzou sat there annoyed hoping to get away from the party soon, but no his y/n was a party freak and wasn't going to leave soon.

Time-skip brought you by Erehh Yeager~

Exactly one hour and forty minutes has passed away, that's what Juuzou counted out of boredom, "Come on where the fuck are you!!", Juuzou eyes started finding y/n and few minutes after he saw her only to find that she was dancing with some other man in the corner of the room, neither it was Michael nor it was George, it was someone else who was too close to Juuzou's lover, Juuzou was boiling out of rage. This new guy's hand was on y/n's waist and with the other hand he was holding her hand.

"Why are they so close!?", Juuzou clenched his fist and went aggressively towards y/n, y/n didn't even noticed that Juuzou was near her and was too angry.

As soon as Juuzou reached in front of y/n, he held her by her waist and slammed her against the nearest wall, y/n was pretty much shocked of this behaviour though she knew that Juuzou is a aggressive kind of human, without letting her say any word, he attacked her lips with a rough kiss, his tongue was trailing inside her mouth and y/n was suffering to breathe, she closed her eyes tightly and was trying to push Juuzou away from her by hitting on his chest with her fist, but she failed, Juuzou was holding her tightly against the wall, after a few seconds of kiss Juuzou broke the kiss and y/n was panting for breath.

Juuzou glared at the man y/n was dancing with, "STAY the fuck AWAY from HER!", out of embarrassment Y/n left the party.

She was literally running through the road and Juuzou was following her, "Y/n listen to me!"

"Don't talk to me! Go away...", Juuzou knew he messed up so instead of calling her anymore he silently started following her.

After they both reached home, y/n persisted that tonight she won't sleep with Juuzou in their bedroom instead she will sleep alone on the couch in their living room, "You don't need to sleep here! ok I get it that you are mad on me but I'm also sorry and I guess you should say me sorry too~"

"Oh yeah? I am the one who should say sorry-"

"I didn't said that only you have to say sorry... I said-"

"No I am not sorry for anything! You know how much I hate showing affection in public and still you dared to kiss me in front of everyone!"

"And what about the AFFECTION you were showing towards that guy huh? Now you are not wrong??!"

"I was just-"

"Don't you fucking dare use the word 'Just' or else I will bite on your nose!", y/n was cringed to here that, she threw a pillow towards Juuzou, "GO AWAY!", both were mad at each other, so Juuzou went inside his bedroom and slammed the door hard.

After ten minutes, Juuzou went outside his bedroom and was heading towards the couch were y/n was sleeping, "Juuzou go away I don't want to talk to you!"

"Heh! Who wants to talk to you anyways I'm just here to take my stuff~"

"Then take it and go away!"

"oh yes I will~", he stood just beside y/n and picked her up in bridal style, "JUUZOU LEAVE ME THE FUCK YOU DOING!!!"

"well I'm taking what's mine~", he took her and headed towards their bedroom, "JUUZOU AGHH PUT ME DOWN!!"

"Yeah yeah sure~", he gently put her down on the bed, he also joined her and Hugged her tightly so she won't be able to go away from him, "JUUZOU It's too hot leave me~"

"Not convinced~ the AC is already on~"

"Juuzou it's still too hot..."

"It happens when two hot people are stuck in one room together~"


"Hungry? Eat snickers~"

"I'm not hungry!!", Juuzou then kissed on her cheeks, "Then let me kiss you~"

"Bro you are too clingy!", Juuzou looked at her with disappointment, "I know grandma."

"I literally called you 'bro' and you are supposed to be angry on me!! Why are you still sticking with me??"

"Well because no matter what you call me I will still love you the same andddd if you continue calling me 'bro' then I won't mind making our relationship into Sweet home Alabama shit~"

"Ugh!! Seems like I'm stuck with you..."

"...forever~", Juuzou said with a sweet smile on his face, "And also I will get rid of that guy soon~"

"Juuzou no."

"Juuzou yes~"

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Published on 9/6/21.

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