♤ I literally love you idiot! ♤

751 13 5

* Warning!: None~

* Notes: ok so let me get one thing clear, since I am a female, I am going to use the she/her pronoun, and if you use any other pronoun then please feel free to use those... I mean please bear with it.

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It was a beautiful Sunday morning, you and your best friend were free so you both decided to go to the skating park.

"Y/n you have really got some good moves!", y/n's best friend, Hinata said.

"Practice sweetie practice~", y/n was really good with her moves but even though she was good at skating, distractions can take place anytime. She was moving smoothly with her skating shoes but suddenly her eyes fell upon two bright blood red orbs, yes, it was those orbs on which she has been crushing over for a long time and the distraction caused because that guy was waving his hands towards y/n.

"It-it's him...", she whispered to herself before falling down on the ground causing ankle sprain.

"Over confidence huh?", Hinata said while teasing her, suddenly both Hinata and y/n heard a sweet voice, "Y/n I'm sorry!!", and the figure was coming near them.

"I'm sorry y/n for distracting you!"

"umm... it's- it's ok I am fine", y/n's cheeks already went red.

"Aren't you Juuzou Suzuya?!", Hinata asked with excitement.

"Huh? How do you know me?", Juuzou asked.

"UHH it's haha I just happen to know you..."

"umm... anyways let me help you~", Juuzou offered his hand to y/n with gentle smile. y/n was still looking at Juuzou's face, mesmerized with that angel face. Juuzou grabbed her hand and pulled her up from ground only to discover that her ankle got sprained.

"Oh no seems like you won't be able to walk!", Juuzou said in a worried tone.

"That's nothing I am ok!", y/n suggested.

"Y/n how are you ok?? You are literally not! Wish I could help you to go home but... but I have to go to my tuition classes... I am so so sorry~", Hinata said dramatically, "Juuzou-kun can you please leave her home?? Pleaseee!"

"Yeah yeah sure after all it has caused because of me so I won't mind helping~"

"Thanks Juuzou-Kun and y/n, Bye bye~", Hinata vanished immediately leaving her best friend in an awkward situation.

"Y/n are you ok wearing those skating shoes? Won't it hurt you more?"

"Uh it will but not to worry about it... I will just walk home barefoot!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah yeah totally and you can continue with you work... I can go home alone..."

"Absolutely not! You will not go home alone... your mom would be mad if she hears that I injured her daughter and didn't even helped her!"

"Uh.. I don't think so...", Juuzou looked at her with disappointment then picked her up in bridal style, "Juuzou-kun no don't do this!! People are looking at us!!"

"OK then let me help you to go home... now you decide whether you want to go like this or you will allow me to walk you home~"

"Please-please put me down you can walk me home if you want, just put me down!"

"Now that's like a good girl~", y/n then opened her skates shoes and Juuzou held her hand tightly so she won't trip down while walking.

"So is your mom home now? I kind of wanted to meet with her to give her information about the current case she's working on."

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now