♧ Forgive me- Part 2 ♧

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* !Warning! : blood, death threat(I wouldn't have given this warning if it was someone else other than our precious boy lol)

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Juuzou's POV~

It's been so many weeks and Mrs. Shinohara and y/n already makes me feel like I am a part of their family, even though I am an outsider. Sometimes the Hiroshi guy pisses me off but then it also feels good to see him get slapped by y/n right after he criticizes me. My wounds are also healing rapidly, thanks to y/n, she took care of me... but whenever I see her, I feel something... I don't know what is it... it feels like there are spiders running in my stomach.

She used to hate me previously but after that incident, she has never looked at me with hatred. She is just like Mr. Shinohara, she takes cares of me and guides me. I like it when she is around me, when she talks to me, when she helps me but I hate it when I see her with that guy! I hate how he touches her! I hate when that guy goes near y/n ! I hate it when he tries to kiss her... It kinda hurts...

When I was thinking about y/n I felt someone tap on my shoulder from behind, "Oi what are you thinking about so much?", it was her.


"Lies and lies."

"No! I am not lying!"

"Ok ok fine! I came here to say that I am going to the store... I will return in a few minutes... do you need something?"

"Umm... maybe donuts?"

"Okay fine~ then I'm going and take care of yourself."


A few minutes after she went outside, I heard the doorbell rang up. I went towards the door and opened it expecting that it would be y/n, but it was not her, "Hiroshi...?"

"Eww! Why don't you just die? Your face pisses me off...Where is y/n?"

"...She went to the store..."

"Oh whatever! Now move from my path! Let me go inside.", I had no other choice other than letting him in because he was y/n's 'boyfriend'.


"I can't believe she left the home in your hands! You can't even walk properly, Mr. Half-leg~ Haha... if I were in y/n's place I would have already abandoned you and would've let you die like a stray do-"

"I am going to my room!"

"Ahh, what are you hurrying about so much? Huh? Since y/n is not here... why don't I play with you a bit~"

"I am not interested!", I dragged myself through the stairs and was heading towards my room, when suddenly Hiroshi stood in front of me preventing to go inside my room.

"Hey hey~ are you afraid or something?"


"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TO RAISE YOUR VOICE ON ME! Mr. half-leg look at the stairs behind you... what if I push you down from here huh? I would be fun to see you in a bad condition~"

"Don't you dare or el-"

"OR ELSE WHAT? Huh? You don't even have those weird knives with you... and you are weak too... you might die today in my hands~"

"Stay away from me!", at that moment I felt helpless. It was true that I don't have my knives with me and also I am a bit weak, if he really pushes me from here then I might actually die. I was going down each stair one by one slowly.

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now