♤ Forgive me- Part 3 ♤

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* !Warning! : Use of heavy abusive words.

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Juuzou's POV~

Nearly two months has passed by, and my wounds are now fine and I can also control my prosthesis without stumbling. I don't know if I should be happy or sad. Since I am fine now, I have to go back to my apartment but I won't be able to see y/n every day...

Tonight the moon was looking beautiful so I decided to go to the terrace to get a better view but when I was standing there I heard a few footsteps, "Oh you are here too!", it was y/n.


"Because the moon is looking beautiful?"


"Same dude!"

"Hey, why don't you come here and join me?"

"Sure~", she came beside me and stood there, the moon light was reflecting on her face and she was looking more than beautiful. I couldn't move my eyes from her face.

"Umm... I don't see that guy much after that accident... what happened to him?"

"Who? Hiroshi?"


"Maybe he is just scared to come back or something like that but I really wanna meet him...", yeah after all that was her boyfriend.

"Because you miss him?"

"Absolutely not! I just want him to come in front of me so that I can breakup with him.", what? Hopefully I didn't heard that wrong.

"Why do you want breakup with him? Is it because of that incident?"

"Umm... not exactly that... first of all, my parents doesn't likes him due to his behavior-"

"Yeah I hate him too."

"Let me finish! Where was I ?!"

"His behavior..."

"Yeah! So my parents doesn't like his behavior, specially my mom because these two often used to argue..."

"On what?"

"On the fact that, he don't deserve me and all that but previously he wasn't like that... he was a nice guy but I don't know what happened to him...maybe he was faking around me before and now I got to see his real face... and after what he did to you, there is a possibility that he can do that with me too!"

"Ah, I see~ so does that mean you don't love him anymore?"

"Well, a part of me still loves him but for me, it's not too hard to let someone go~ like I'm really good at letting go."

"Oh! That's good and bad, like 50-50."

"I agree~"

"Can I ask you something?"


"Will you be sad if I go away? I mean I am cured now so I guess I have to leave this house..."

"Maybe... yes these two months were fun and if you want you can stay here more! My mom would love that-"

"And you?"

"For me it doesn't really matters... because you are fine now and you are doing things by your own and above that I stay in my room all day anyway, so it doesn't really matters for me."

"But for me it would be sad to not see you everyday..."

"Oh is it?"

"Yeah! I loved it how you took care of me, you made me feel like I am a part of your family..."

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now