♤ Irreplaceable ♤

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*Warning: None~

*Notes: Implied on female readers.

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Y/n and Juuzou are in a relationship for a long time but now it seems that there is someone else coming between them, at least that's what Juuzou thinks. Juuzou is apparently getting a little less attention from y/n because of her new friend, Akito.

Akito is a new employee in the CCG. He is a shy and quiet boy but within a few days y/n befriended him and now they both are seen together pretty much every time laughing and gossiping with each other. Some employees used to mock Juuzou about it, saying that Y/n might have broken up with Juuzou and apparently is in a relationship with Akito that made Juuzou angry. When Juuzou used to ask y/n about Akito, she used to say that 'He is just a friend' but he couldn't totally believe her.

Y/n and Akito was in the same squad, therefore they shared much time together. Akito has successfully made a few friends with the help of y/n, even the Suzuya Squad's members are friends with him, except Juuzou. Juuzou didn't liked him. Juuzou felt like Akito was taking away everything from him even the one he loved the most. Juuzou felt like y/n ignores him when she is around Akito.

Previously, it was Juuzou, Hanbee and y/n but now it is Hanbee, y/n and Akito. The new trio. It's not like they don't want to include Juuzou but he himself doesn't wants to hangout with them. After the new trio formed, Juuzou always goes home alone and late.

"Again you came home late..."

"So what? It's not like you care!" , Juuzou said rudely and went inside his room.

"Jeez what's up with this boy...", Y/n didn't cared much and didn't understood the storm that was going inside Juuzou.

Apparently, y/n was preparing for the dinner in kitchen and was humming a sweet sound.

Juuzou suddenly hugged her from behind and rested his head on y/n's shoulder, "I am sorry... I was rude with you..."

y/n gently ruffled Juuzou's hair, "It's ok! I didn't mind at all~ maybe you had a bad day at work."

"Y/n I want to be near you as long as possible..."

"Sure!", Juuzou hugged her a bit more tightly, "... but first let's have dinner and stop squeezing me!"

"I am afraid that if I would loosen my grip then I will lose you too..."

"Huh? What are you even talking about? You make no sense...?", Juuzou didn't replied anything, "Hey Juuzou if something is bothering you then tell me... you look so stressed out!"

"No... It's nothing... I just want to be near you..."

"I am always near you! I am not leaving you alone... but for now let's have the dinner and then we will sleep together, okay?"

"Thanks...", Y/n kissed on Juuzou's forehead and they headed for the dinner.

When it was bedtime, Juuzou didn't slept face to face with y/n but he pulled her closed and he snuggle into y/n's chest while y/n was caressing his hair.

"Y/n, I love you..."

"I love you too~"

Time-skip brought you by kendrella ~

It was mid day when Akito broke a news to y/n, y/n was pretty much shocked to hear it but was happy too, "Omg Akito! Why didn't you told me this earlier!!!"

"Haha I am sorry about that...", Juuzou was watching them from far away, he couldn't hear them but what he saw it broke him. He saw that both y/n and Akito was excited about something and they hugged each other. He couldn't stand it anymore so rather than standing there and watching them happy, he went home.

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now