♡ I am all yours - Lemon ♡

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Requested by @xoxotani

A/n: Sorry i took forever to complete this request. T-T 

* Warning!: Lemon, Knife play!!

* Notes: For female readers.  

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"Well, since you said that you are free today... Let's go on a date?", Seidou asked y/n with high expectations and hope in his eyes.

"Seidou, I said I don't want to go on a date with you... I am not really looking forward to have a relationship...", y/n looked down, "...with you...", she whispered.

"But I am not asking for a relationship at this moment, let's just go on a date first and then we might think about going into a relationship...?"

"Tch. I said no...", y/n started filling up her paperwork, "You see... I actually like someone else...", she said in a low tone.

"Whenever I ask you about going into relationship with me, you always mention this certain person but never say who is it!! Y/n, today I want to know who this person is!", Seidou demanded.

"Seidou, stop annoying me! I am doing the paper works, right? Please stop bothering me..."

Seidou grabbed y/n's wrist and prevented her from filling up that paper, "Does this person even exists? Or are you just messing around with me??"

"Seidou! Leave my ha-"

"No! First tell me who this person is?? And what makes that person better than me?"

"It's none of your business! Leave me alone!", y/n gathered her paper works and was about to leave that office room.

"Y/n! Stop right there! I am not done talking to you!!"

"Let me do my work in peace and don't follow me!"

"Where are you going?!"

"Stop bothering m- eeh", Y/n bumped into someone and not only her paper works fell from her hand but also it got mixed with the other person's papers which they were carrying. She didn't even looked at them and she started apologizing, "I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sor-"

"It's okay~ Lemme help you~", that person started collecting those papers.

As soon as Y/n heard that voice, her heart started beating faster and she blushed, "Uh- I- I am sorry... I-"

"It's ok, y/n~", both y/n and that person started collecting their own papers.

"Suzuya, at least for once can't you act like a normal person?? Why do you have to act like an idiot every time??", Seidou scolded that person.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and glanced at Seidou, "At least he's helping me!!"

"I can help you too!", Seidou went near y/n and tried to hold those papers but she denied.

"No thanks! I don't need your help! Hmphh!!", she finally managed to arrange all those papers. Y/n then looked at Juuzou, "Umm... I am sorry for wasting your time..."

"Why are you saying him sorry when it was clearly his fault??", Seidou yelled on y/n.

"Y/n, don't be sorry... Also, you didn't wasted my time, so don't say sorry!", Juuzou totally ignored Seidou and kept talking with y/n.

"Ahah... umm... Anyways, I should be going now... Actually I was working on the paper..."

"And Seidou was annoying you, isn't it? Haha..."

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now