♤ Why? ♤

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* Warning!: None~

* Notes: Just avoid the pronouns.

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Juuzou was lying on his deathbed because he tried to save someone who was near to his heart. He exactly didn't recognize his feeling towards that certain person until he saw that death was approaching towards that soul.


Juuzou, Hanbee and y/n was fighting against a SS+ rated ghoul. While fighting against that ghoul Hanbee already took a few hits and was pretty much tired, even y/n took a few hits and Juuzou was still bravely fighting. Juuzou was pretty much covering for both Hanbee and y/n, until y/n got injured and lost her weapon. The Ghoul's kagune was about to hit y/n but Juuzou Jumped in front of her in order to save her, and instead he received that hit.

Y/n literally witnessed Juuzou falling down on the ground and then bleeding heavily, he was coughing out blood. Y/n looked at him and was dumbstruck at the view. After a pause she spoke up, "Hanbee... we need backup, call Nakarai and others... we are not letting this ghoul live.", y/n said coldly.


Flashback ends~

It's been a week, Juuzou was in the hospital. Everyone, Suzuya squad, Quinx Squad and a few other colleagues came to visit him, except y/n, at least that's what everyone thought. Some Members of Suzuya Squad was pretty much mad on y/n since she didn't even cared to visit Juuzou at least once.

Y/n and Juuzou were good friends. They had spend so much time together hanging out with each other, sharing memories, laughing and taking care of each other, yet, after all this she avoided to visit Juuzou. She used to give excuses like, she's busy or she don't have time to visit him.

"Is it too hard to visit Senpai, at least once?", Nakarai asked.

Y/n was tapping her fingers on the keyboard and filling out some paperworks, "Sorry, I'm busy.", she said coldly.

"You know y/n, I thought you guys were friends, but little did I knew that all those laughing and giggling was a part of your drama... now that I think of his relationship with you, it makes me laugh."

"Nakarai, I would be blessed if you would leave me alone, my work is important than anyone.", she said without making eye contact with that man.

"Ah yes, definitely. After all you are a associate special class investigator, your work is too important. Carry on, carry on... but after Senpai gets all fine and I see you around him, then I will make sure he abandons you, because you don't deserve to breathe in the same air as him! You should just go to hell!"

Y/n stopped typing and glared at Nakarai, "You are no one to tell me what I should do and what I shouldn't, so please LEAVE... just leave... I... I don't want to see Juuzou, so please for god's sake leave me alone..."

Nakarai turned back, "Of course... just like I'm leaving from here today, everyone from your life will also leave one day and you will be left all alone. If you have just a bit of shame then never ever go near Senpai... never...", saying those harsh words he left that room.

Time-skip brought you by Suzuya Squad ~

Finally, after staying for straight two weeks inside that boring room, Juuzou is now discharged from the hospital and the beloved leader was picked up by his squad members. They all were heading towards Juuzou's apartment because his squad members kept a little party only for him. The party was organized by Nakarai and Tamaki.

"Well, guys thanks for this cute little party and thanks for all these gifts~", Juuzou said with a cute smile on his face.

"Welcome, Senpai!", Nakarai and Tamaki said in unison.

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now