♧ Dream come true ♧

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* Warning!: gore, blood.

* Notes: I honestly don't know what the fuck I wrote (-_-) , It's just a random idea. Also, avoid the pronouns if you want to.

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"It's over, it's over... I don't want to live anymore... I- I am done with this family, these people around me, I hate them all... I am done with this life...", y/n said while crying in her room alone.

Everyone around y/n seemed to hate her or ignore her, even when her family consisted of many members, yet she felt like an orphan. Y/n's parents often compared her with her siblings, cousins and neighborhood kids, which made her feel like a trash and talking about her academic relations, they mostly bullied her. She felt like running far away from this reality. She wanted to kill herself but the only thing that was holding her back till now was her comfort character, Juuzou Suzuya.

Yes, a fictional character was keeping her alive till now because Y/n felt safe when she thought about him, she felt loved, she felt like living a bit more. She used to hug her body pillow and think it was him to make herself feel comfortable, whenever she felt sad and got those nasty suicidal thoughts. But this time things had went way too far that even her comfort character couldn't help her. Y/n felt like if she died everyone around her would be happy and the world wouldn't even cry for her death cause most of the time she used to hear 'You are worthless', 'No one would care if you would die', 'Wish you died the time you took birth', 'You are a disappointment'.

Y/n was tired of hearing all those words, she was tired of living this life. She wanted to end it all.

She took out a sharp blade from her drawer and slashed a deep cut on her wrist, it had already started bleeding and she felt a bit dizzy. Y/n dragged herself till the bed and then laid herself on the bed. She held her body pillow near her chest, "At least... you are here with me... You always made me feel happy... Thanks for everything...", her eyes started to close down, slowly and slowly.

Y/n didn't had any idea of time, when she opened her eyes she found herself lost in dark. Nothing around her was visible, it's just a dark place after taking a few steps, no difference was felt so she started running as far as she could. After running for, which felt like a few meters or maybe a kilometer, she suddenly saw a bright light. She was trying to reach it but the darkness was pulling her but she didn't gave up, she kept running and running and finally she reached the light.

The light was burning her eyes, so she closed her eyes. When finally her eyes settled with that bright light she slowly opened her eyes, what her eyes saw was a huge city with crowds all around her, am I not supposed to be dead?, she thought. She then looked at herself and saw herself wearing the same clothes she was wearing during the time she commited suicide, then she looked at her wrist and saw that all the scars she had given to herself had vanished, "what is happening?! I remember giving myself a deep cut...".

Y/n then started looking around and all the people she saw around looked different from from, so she decided to go to a nearby store to find out where she exactly was. She then reached to a nearby restaurant, she saw people calmly eating their food. She entered the restaurant and not even a single person seemed to notice her. Y/n sat on a chair which was placed right in front of the food counter, hoping someone would ask about her whereabouts but after waiting for a couple of moments no one came to her, so she decided to approach one of the people near her, "Umm... Excuse me, could you please tell me which place is this?", no response, "Hello! I'm talking to you...", annoyed by the fact that everyone seemed to not notice you, she decided to touch the person she was talking to.

When she laid her hand on that person's body, her hand just passed through their body, this shocked her, "What the hell?! Am I even alive??", she immediately ran outside the store and stood in the middle of the road where cars were passing, a car came approaching towards her, and she closed her eyes but nothing happened. Once again, the car passed through her, "The fuck is happening with me!!", things started to worry her now, Y/n definitely discovered the fact that people neither can see her nor hear her and apparently people and things are passing through your body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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