☆ ~Extras/ OVA 2~ ☆

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It was a day off for y/n, so she decided to sleep a few more minutes. She was snuggling in her bed and stealing the comfort and on the other hand Juuzou decided to visit his beloved but not from the door, from the window. When he went inside her bedroom through the window, he saw his beloved was sleeping calmly, so Juuzou decided to join.

When Juuzou slept beside her, Y/n snuggled into juuzou's chest and he hugged her back, "umm... you smell so... sweet... Juuzou...", y/n said in a sleepy voice.

"Hehe thanks~", Juuzou said calmly. Y/n suddenly opened her eyes and pushed Juuzou from the bed, "Hey! Why did you pushed me!"

When y/n realized what she did right now, she immediately offered her hand to Juuzou, "I am so so sorry! I thought I was dreaming! I am really sorry...", Juuzou held her hand and got up, "Come here.", y/n opened her arms wide and allowed Juuzou to come near her now Juuzou was again back to his position.

"So, you even dream about me, huh~", Juuzou said teasingly.

"Juuzou! Let me sleep!"

"Haha ok ok~", Y/n went back to sleep while snuggling into Juuzou's chest and Juuzou kissed on her head and he hugged her back.

After a few minutes, Nakarai called Juuzou on his phone.

"Senpai, where are you? We need to complete a few paper works."

"Nakarai, can you please complete those for me?"

"Yeah, that's not a problem, but where are you?"

"Oh, disconnect the phone and check the text, I am going to send you a picture~"

"Okay...?", Juuzou disconnected the call and immediately took a picture and sended it to Nakarai. Juuzou grinned a bit, he knew that what he did just now is going to piss Nakarai.

On the other hand, Nakarai was biting his phone.

"The hell are you doing? Have you lost your mind?", Tamaki asked with disappointment on his face.

"Look what senpai just send me!! I want to kill myself! Ughhh!!!", Nakarai showed the picture to tamaki which Juuzou had send him.

"Idiot I don't want to see these things! That's your sister idiot! This is the reason you gonna die single! You crazy fuck!", Tamaki said angrily and left.

The picture was of y/n and Juuzou, Juuzou was kissing on her forehead when she was sleeping and she was tugging on a little portion of Juuzou's shirt. They were close to each other. It was just them. 

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Published on 20/7/21.

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