♤ Forgive me- Part 4 ♤

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* Notes: This is the last part.

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Juuzou's POV~

The first thing I thought of doing after going upstairs was to talk with y/n, she could be sad, but when I went inside her room she wasn't there, rather I found her on the terrace. She was looking at the stars and was lost in her thoughts. I decided to talk to her.

"Hey! Are you sad?", neither she heard me nor she replied, then I kept my hand on her shoulder and shook her a bit, "Oi! I am talking with you!"

"Oh yeah... yeah what is it?"

"umm... I just wanted to talk with you..."

"yeah sure."

"Are you sad about what just happened?"

"Nah... not really, I am just kinda... you know, disappointed."

"On whom?"

"On the whole situation actually... I feel like if I actually listened to my parents then some things could have been avoided... like all those arguments and then the accident that happened to you..."

"come on~ now I am totally fine~ you were there to save me, right?"

"Yeah but it could have totally been avoided..."

"We are humans, isn't it? It's common for us to make mistakes...", I caressed her hair, "...and sometimes we invite wrong people in our life and god uses these wrong ones to teach us life lessons, right?"

"Can't argue!", Y/n smiled a bit, "You are talking like my dad..."

"Hey, don't be sad for what Mrs. Shinohara said... she is your mom right? She knows what's good for you and what's not..."

"Yeah you are right... probably it was me who was wrong all along..."

"No silly! You did what you felt was good! Stop blaming yourself!"

"Maybe... you are right..."

"I know I AM right! And I love you."

"I love you too.", Y/n said without hesitation.

"Huh what?", her cheeks immediately went all red and looked on a different direction.


"But I heard you~"

"N-no you heard wrong!", she was literally blushing and was not looking at me, then I pulled her cheek.

"Did I really heard 'I love you'? huh~ seems like someone is catching feelings~"

"No! I didn't said anything like that!", she pushed me a bit when I was laughing shamelessly and she ran downstairs.

Sigh! That was kinda awkward... but anyways I am happy that she shares such little things with me. It's ok if we stay 'just friends'... and I guess I should now go back to my own apartment, since I am all ok now, it would seem bad if I stay here anymore. I want to join back to the CCG because I also have to complete my promise which I gave to y/n, that I will work hard. I will leave tomorrow morning as soon as possible.

Y/n's POV~

God! Did I really said him that?! The fuck is wrong with me?? I should sew both my lips with each other so that it would stop spitting out truth so much! Ugh! My damn mouth!

Time-skip brought you by Jason ~

Sunlight was hitting my eyes, when I woke up it was already 10 AM, "Ugh! Me and my sleepy ass!", I was still lying on my bed because I was just not willing to get up, but suddenly my sleepy eyes fell on a huge plushy. It was my (fav/animal) plushy, it was huge and beautiful.

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now