♤ Just the two of us ♤

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* Warning!: None~

* Notes: Avoid the pronouns.

* I don't own the songs!

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Suzuya squad has planned a little vacation to the beach and the Squad leader, Juuzou Suzuya has already decided to take y/n, Nakarai's sister, with them. No, Y/n and Juuzou aren't dating; they claim to be 'Friends' with each other.

"So, everyone get ready by 4 AM and come at my place and we will leave at exactly 4:30 AM!", Juuzou said with a huge smile on his face.

The whole Suzuya Squad including y/n did as Juuzou said.

Apparently, all of them are travelling in a car to reach the destination. Y/n was sitting on the window sit and Juuzou was sitting right beside her. Little by little y/n fell asleep and Juuzou guarded her temple with his hand so that she won't hit her head on the window and then he pulled y/n closer to himself so that y/n can rest her head on Juuzou's shoulder. After a few minutes, they both fell asleep on each other.

"Umm...Nakarai isn't it weird how senpai and your sister isn't dating but still looks like a cute couple.", Tamaki said.

"Yeah! Sometimes I feel like they both are secretly dating but nah my sister won't do anything without telling me~", Nakarai proudly said.

"Hanbee, what do you think about them?", Tamaki asked.

"All I can say is they both look happy when they are near each other and I really like how y/n makes Senpai smile and Senpai takes care of y/n... if this isn't love then I don't know what it is.", the tall man said.

"Hmm... I would be happy too if they both come into a relationship but the only thing that makes me sad is they both call each other friends and on the other hand they both can't stop talking about each other, weird isn't it?", Y/n's brother said.

"Lemme Just take a picture of these two... look how cute they are looking!!", Mikage immediately took out a camera and clicked a picture of y/n and Juuzou.

Time-skip brought you by Domain expansion ~

The whole Suzuya squad was playing volleyball on the beach and Y/n was making memories with the sea waves.

"Ahh~ it's so beautiful I love it!", Y/n was swaying her legs in that sea water and clumsily playing with the sand, suddenly she crashed with a tall muscular man,"Umm... I am sorry!", she apologised immediately. 

"ARE YOU BLIND OR WHAT?!", the buff man grabbed y/n's t-shirt by the collar and yelled at her.

"I am really so-", all of a sudden a volleyball hit the man's face, causing him to leave y/n and the buff man's nose instantly started bleeding.

"DON'T. YOU. FUCKING. DARE. TO. TOUCH. HER. OR. ELSE. I. WILL. KILL. YOU.", Juuzou said while hitting the man with that ball a few more times.

Nakarai guarded her sister and stood in front of her, "If I see messing with her one more time, it won't be too good for you!", Nakarai then grabbed his sister's hand and tagged her along with him, "Come with me!"

"Brother... his nose was bleeding..."

"Well he deserved it y/n~", Juuzou said with a huge grin on his face.

"Yes! Senpai is right! Now come on we are going to play Watermelon smash! You love that game isn't it?"

"Yeah!! I love that game!", little things make her happy and sad. A moment ago y/n was sad because that buff man's nose was bleeding but now she is happy again as she is going to play one of her favorite game.

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now