♤ Kiss me more ♤

545 11 3

* Warning: Mentions of big bitch. 

* Notes: Implied on female readers.

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"Oi y/n what are you doing?", Juuzou said while sitting on the window pane.

"As always studying...", y/n was already used to Juuzou breaking into her home without asking beforehand.

Just a few months ago, when Y/n was attacked by a few ghouls that's when she met Juuzou. At first Y/n was more scared of him than the ghoul itself but then little by little y/n discovered a cute little child within him. Though he was two years older than y/n, he was too immature than she was and that's what y/n loved the most, no adult jokes, no vulgar things just a nineteen year old with innocent thoughts, wishes and playfulness.

"Mehh... you are always busy with your books!!", Juuzou said with disappointment.

"Juuzou if it was possible to not touch my books then I would do that cause even I don't like studying!"

"Then just don't~"

"Oh, so you gonna sit in the exam hall and give my exams?"

"Absolutely not~ my head can't take the weight of all those fat books!"

"Oh is it?"

"Yup~ by the way why don't you play that instrument anymore?", Juuzou said while pointing his fingers towards y/n's guitar.

"Oh... I do play it! Before going to bed, since you visit me in the evening you don't get to see me playing guitar."

"But I saw you once playing that thing in the evening... you were also singing at that time..."

"Oh, maybe I was just not willing to study that day."

Juuzou jumped inside the room and approached towards the guitar. He took it from it's place and started running his fingers on the strings, "Hehe... it's so fun to play~"

"Juuzou no!"

"Juuzou yes~"

"Juuzou stop playing it like that! It will cut your fingers!"

"Nothing will happen~"

"Juuzou I said stop it!", within seconds Juuzou managed to successfully cut his fingers and he didn't even cared about his fingers which were bleeding, "See! I told you not to play it like that! Idiot! See now you have hurt yourself!", Y/n took the guitar from Juuzou and immediately checked his fingers, "Idiot, sit here quietly and don't move from your place.", Y/n took out a first aid box from her cupboard and cleared the area from where he was bleeding, gave some kind of ointment on that area and gently wrapped his fingers with band aids.

"Y/n, it doesn't hurts...", Juuzou said gently.

"I know that you don't feel pain but that doesn't mean that you will keep hurting yourself! Moron! Didn't I warned you to not play the guitar like that!!"

"Stop scolding me! I just wanted to hear it and that's it!", Juuzou said while pouting.

Y/n simply smiled at his innocent demand and ruffled his hair, "Ok fine! Stay here a bit longer and I will play it for you, is that ok?"

"You will?"


"Yay!!! Oh but there is one problem..."

"What is that?"

"I didn't had my dinner yet, so if I stay here longer then I will feel hungry!"

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now