☆ ~Extras/ OVA 3~ ☆

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It was a beautiful morning, so Nakarai decided to make some coffee for his little sister before going to work. He went upstairs with a cup of coffee and little smile on his face, he knocked the door, "Y/n, wake up! Open the door!", after waiting for a few minutes without no response he decided to knock again, "Y/n! Y/n! Wake up! Don't you want to go to the university today? Come on!", finally the door opened.

"Oh hey Nakarai! Good morning~", Juuzou is the one who opened the door. He was rubbing his sleepy eyes and was shirtless.

"SENPAI???", Nakarai was surprised to see his superior in that condition.


"What are you doing here??"

"I can ask you the same thing~"

"This is my house!!!"

"And she's my girlfriend~", Juuzou took the coffee cup from Nakarai, "Thanks for the coffee~"

"That was for my sister!!"

"I know~"


"No.", Juuzou closed the door on Nakarai's face.

Time skip~

It was the evening of the same day, Y/n was singing songs on the couch, in the living room and Juuzou was looking at her and smiling, while behind them Nakarai was planning to tease his sister. He took a few thick books and was about to hit on y/n's head from behind but Nakarai failed to do so, he received an angry glare from Juuzou, he knew that if he doesn't stop his shenanigans right now then he is going to experience hell. Even before coming into the relationship Juuzou was as protective towards y/n as now. He put down those books and shamelessly smiled at Juuzou. Finally the interruption was occurred by the door bell.

Nakarai opened the door and it was Satoshi, "Oh it's you... Y/n!!! that idiot came!!"

Y/n yelled from the living room, "Huh? Which idiot?"

"That tuxedo Idiot!"

"Tuxedo idiot???... ooohhh Satoshi!!", Y/n left at which Juuzou furrowed his eyebrows. She went to meet him, "Hey Satoshi! Thanks for coming! Come inside."

"Why is this idiot here?", Nakarai asked.

"Brother! Stop talking to him like that! He came here because we got a group project."

"Only two people in one group?"

"No! Other two are there, they can't join today but from next day they will join us."


"Come inside Satoshi!", Satoshi followed y/n. She took him inside her room and they started working on the project.

"Y/n, are you mad on me?", Satoshi asked.

"Huh? Not at all! What am I supposed to be angry for? Rather I'm happy that we can again be friends~", y/n cheerfully replied.

"Yeah, I'm happy too. Also... I am sorry about that day, I acted bitterly..."

"Haha it's ok~ Even i'm sorry for that day, I rejected you... but also hanging on false feelings isn't a good thing..."

"Yeah, you are right... after all i can't force you to love me...", Satoshi said sadly.

"Hey hey~ let's not talk about that, we need to work on the projects!"

"Oh yeah yeah!"

While they both were busy with their work, Satoshi noticed that y/n's bangs were falling on her face which was annoying her. For some reason, he extended his hand towards y/n's forehead in order to settle those bangs.

Her bangs were definitely settled by two red clips, but by Juuzou. Satoshi immediately moved his hand. Juuzou cupped y/n's cheeks and kissed on her temple, "Sorry to interfere~ but your brother was calling you downstairs to get some snacks and juices~", he patted on her head.

"Oh okay! Thanks~"

"No prob~", Y/n went downstairs leaving Satoshi and Juuzou in the room. Juuzou sat in front of Satoshi and glared at him, "So Mr. Tuxedo, what's your name?"

"S-Sato-sh-shi...", he said while shivering.



"Ah, I see, so Satoshi...", Juuzou grabbed his shoulders and pressed hardly, "... I expect you to behave yourself."

"W-who a-are you?"

"Oh, I am y/n's boyfriend~", Juuzou went closer to Satoshi and glared into his soul, "Listen here kid, if I see you again messing around y/n then I will cut your hands and legs off and you will only be left with your torso~ so better keep your hands with yourself and don't visit her until the other two kids join you, do you understand?"

"Ye-yea-yeah...", Satoshi was shivering.

Juuzou smiled at him, "Good boy~ and always remember I am always around her so don't you dare to touch her! Now smile like nothing happened~"

Satoshi forced a smile and at that moment y/n entered the room with Juices and snacks, "Oh thanks Juuzou for giving him company!"

"No problem, Princess~", Juuzou kissed on y/n's cheeck and left the room.

"Here Satoshi, have these!", she handed him a glass of juice. While Satoshi was drinking it his hands were shaking and y/n noticed it, "Satoshi, what happened?"


"Come on tell me, what is bothering you?"

"Y-your boyfriend is so s-scary..."

Y/n tilted her head a bit, "Huh?"


"What are you saying?? He is literally a sweetheart!"

"So this is the same guy you told me about?"

Y/n gave a huge smile, "Yeah, it is! Weird isn't it? That we are finally into a relationship."

"Your idea of 'sweetheart' is really weird."

"Huh? Why so?"

"It's nothing... all I can say is your family hates me including your boyfriend."

"Ahhaha... no no they don't...uhh my brother is just a funny person and that's all, and about Juuzou, he is an angel without wings~"

"Yeah an angel... he is a living Satan...", Satoshi whispered under his breath.

"You said something?"

"Haha no. Y/n can you please not leave me alone with your brother and boyfriend... specially your boyfriend."

"Why are you so scared of Juuzou? He doesn't even look scary!!!"

"I just... umm feel uncomfortable around him..."

"Oh ok!"

Time skip~

"So how did your study session go? With that tuxedo idiot?", Nakarai asked.

"Can you stop calling him that!! He has a name!"

"Yeah whatever!"

"No wonder why Satoshi feels uncomfortable around you, brother! And Juuzou why is he scared of you??", Juuzou and Nakarai was laughing , "Why are you two laughing?!"

"Oh it's nothing, Princess~", Juuzou said while smiling.

"Yeah yeah sister, it's nothing!"

>< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><

Published on 20/7/21.

{A/N : this is going to be the last OVA for this story~}

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