♤ I think I'm in love ♤

975 17 9

* Warning!: None~
* Notes: You have a notable fashion sense. 
* Notes: ok so let me get one thing clear, since I am a female, I am going to use the she/her pronoun, and if you use any other pronoun then please feel free to use those... I mean please bear with it.
* Another note : f/n – first name, L/n – last name , n/n – nick name

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You have recently killed one of the most wanted ghouls of 16th ward and now you and your squad was called in the 13th ward to discuss about new case. You and your squad were asked to reach the office by 9 AM. The meeting was with Suzuya Squad regarding the case of 'Skull mask'.

You and other members of your squad reached at time and also the other members of the Suzuya Squad also reached on time except the main leader.

"...2nd class investigator, Mr. Hanbee Abara, Where is Mr. Suzuya?", you asked.

"umm... Sorry 1st class investigator, Ms. y/n, Mr. Suzuya is yet not here but we should start the meeting."

Time-skip brought you by Mr. Fidget Spinner ~

"... and that's the overview of the skull mask case.", the meeting ended when suddenly the door of the meeting room busted open, "Sorry I am late!" and everyone in the room looked at him.

y/n's POV~

"Sorry I am late!", a slim boy appeared and immediately every other members of the Suzuya squad bowed in front of him wishing him "Good morning" , must be Mr. Suzuya himself.

"Hanbee give me the rundown and I'm sorry XX squad for appearing late~"

"Are you Mr. Suzuya?", one of my squad members asked.

"Yes I am~ but you can call me Juuzou anyways who's the leader?"

"I am", I said while raising my hand a bit and giving a bright smile.

"Hi~ I'm Assistant Special Investigator, Juuzou Suzuya~", he said with a sweet voice.

"Heya! Nice to meet ya"

"y/n if you don't mind can we live the meeting room now?", one of my squad members said.

"Yeah sure~", they left the meeting room.

"Hanbee and others can also go and Hanbee do remember to give me the notes regarding the meeting~", Juuzou said.

"OK Suzuya Senpai!", every members from the Suzuya Squad said in unison and left the room.

"Mr. Suzuya I should leave too.", I stood up from my place.

"yeah sure~ by the way I like your fashion sens-", I grabbed his right hand, he stepped back a bit.

"Woah dude what are these?!", I was pretty much amazed to see those.

"umm... those are stitches...", I was looking at those with amazement, "ohh these looks awesome and are those stitches too on your neck and face?"

"yeah those are stitches too~"

Then I remembered that I forgot to introduce myself, "Oh anyway I forgot to introduce myself...", I left his hand, "I am F/n L/n, people call me N/N but you can call me anytime~", I winked at him.

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now