☆ ~Extras/ OVA 1~ ☆

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Finally, Juuzou's happiness has returned home and apparently Juuzou's head was buried in Y/n's shoulder and he was tightly hugging her from behind.

Y/n got a conference call from her friends.

"Oiii y/n, how are you and Juuzou?", Yui cheerfully asked.

"We both are fine, what about you guys?"

"We are super fine!", Sam replied.

"Hehe good to hear!"

"By the way what are you doing?", Yui asked y/n.

"Bro, I'm kinda stuck..."

"Huh? Where are you stuck?", Sam asked.

"With this man! For six hours I haven't moved from my place because of this man!! Help!"

"Consequences of your own action I say.", Yui said.

"Yeah, you kinda deserved it..."Sam agreed to it and then started yelling so that Juuzou can hear too, "BRO, DON'T LET THIS WOMEN MOVE KEEP HER IN YOUR GRIP, IF POSSIBLE STICK HER WITH YOUR BODY WITH HOT GLUE GUM!"

"Hehe okay~", Juuzou replied.

"Will you guys shut up! It seems like I'm talking with two year olds", y/n said angrily.

"Haha look who is saying~", Yui sarcastically said.

While the trio was busy making fun of each other, Juuzou held y/n's neck gently and then licked on her neck, "Eeehhhh.... Juuzou WHAT THE FUCK?!", Y/n said while making a disgusted face.

"Sam, seems like a bed is going to break today~", Yui said jokingly.

"Not only bed, legs too hahaha...", Sam said sarcastically.

"What the hell are you guys discussing? Dickheads!!", Y/n was embarrassed with the conversation.

"Umm... Smells fishy~"

"Smells fishy~"

"Smells fishy~"

"Jeez, will you guys shut up?", y/n said all disappointed.

"Yeah yeah let's go Sam, someone can't wait~", Yui said.

"Yeahhhh let's go Yui, we shouldn't interrupt their 'special' timeeee~"


Yui and Sam disconnected the call.

Y/n looked at Juuzou with anger on her face, "Juuzou! I will kill you!"

"Ah sure~ who's stopping you?"

"Jeez, I am stuck between horny ass peoples...", Y/n said under her breath.

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Published on 13/8/21.

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