♡ You are mine - Yandere + Lemon ♧

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* Warning! : sexual assault, blood, gore

* Notes: implied on female readers. 

* This story might trigger you!

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You are in a relationship with Juuzou for nearly two months, but you never wanted to be in a relationship with him. It was kind of forced from his side. Now, you have totally lost the interest to stay in this relationship because you have found someone new. Little did you know what was about to come.

Y/n's POV ~

"Don't worry we'll be together soon, I will help you in breaking up with your boyfriend. I promise.", Josh kept his hand on my hand and promised me that he would help me to break up with Juuzou, so that we could come into an official relationship.

"Thanks Josh! I'm looking forward to be with you....anyways I should go home now and it's pretty late and Juuzou gets angry on me when I come home too late at night."

"Yeah, I understand. Mind if I walk you home?"

"no I don't mind. Thanks."

After walking for around fifteen minutes, I asked Josh to go back because I didn't wanted Juuzou to see him which could create a big scene.

Time-skip brought you by Gojo Satoru's eyes ~

I think I should talk to Juuzou....this isn't just working out.

"Hey Juuzou, we need to talk."

"Yes babe~ What do you wanna talk about?", he said while leaning towards me and he was about to kiss me when I stopped him by guarding his lips with my palm.

"Please stop! I'm trying to talk with you!"

"ughh....okay what is it?"

"Look, I want to break up with you, this relationship isn't working out-"

"Y/n, if this is a joke then it isn't funny!", he said while cupping my cheeks, aggressively, and he was glaring into my soul. I shrugged off his hands, "I ... I am not joking... I am actually tired of you... your... your love is suffocating me!", he came closer to me and my back touched the wall behind me.

"You know that I love you, RIGHT!"

"Juuzou... I don't love y-", without letting me speak another word, he grabbed my neck and was choking me. "Y/n, DON'T say these words again... it breaks my heart, you know right how much I love you with ALL MY HEART!!", while Juuzou was explaining his love for me, his sadistic love was killing me slowly. I was struggling to stay in my senses, I was trying to push away Juuzou's hand, tears welled in my eyes.

"Juu... zou... I... I'm... sorry.", he immediately let go of my neck and I fell down on the ground, I was gasping for air and my tears rolled down my eyes. He kissed on my forehead, "Good girl! That's what I wanted to hear from you and don't you dare to think about breaking up with me again~"

Time-Skip brought you by Mikasa's scarf ~

Third person's POV~

It was a gloomy dusk when Y/n returned home, Juuzou welcomed her inside with hugs and kisses, "Hey darling! I have a surprise for ya~", Juuzou said with heavy excitement and pulled her hand, "Follow me!".

"What is it?", y/n asked.

"ugh... Stop asking questions~ just follow me! You gonna be speechless." She followed him without asking any more questions. Juuzou pulled her into the bathroom and made her stand in front of the bathtub. 

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now