♤ Little things ♤

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* Warning!: None~ 

* Notes: implied on female readers

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Emma Suzuya, Y/n's and Juuzou's only child. Emma was found by Juuzou when she was an infant; he tried to find her real parents but failed to do so and therefore decided to adopt her. At first, y/n refused to adopt the little kid but after seeing that how much her husband has fell in love with that little soul, y/n couldn't help but adopt the little one. Little by little Emma has got love from her parents and now she has grown up into a cheerful little seven year old kid.

Right now, Emma is out with her father as she requested him to have ice cream. When they were heading home, Emma noticed a cardboard box which was shaking. She tugged Juuzou's shirt, "Dada, see the box... it's shaking. Can we go and open it?"

Juuzou looked at the box, "Sure, Princess~", they both went near the box which was lying on the side of the road. Juuzou bent down and opened it, after seeing what is inside he gasped.

"What is it, dada?"

Juuzou smiled at her, "come here and see.", when Emma looked inside the box she found that a puppy and a kitten was sleeping inside it. Someone abandoned those little souls and now they are lacking a shelter.

A huge smile got stuck on little Emma's face, "Dada dada, can we please keep them? pleaseeeeee"

Juuzou couldn't resist her puppy face and sighed, "Ok fine. But promise me that you would take good care of it!"

"Okay!!!", Emma jumped with happiness.

Juuzou picked up the box and then they both started walking, "OK then, let's go home~"

After walking for a few seconds a little thought crossed in Emma's mind, "Dada... Will Mamma be angry?"

"Angry for what?"

"That we are taking them home...?"

"I don't know, princess... I don't think that she would be angry but we need to find out after we go home.", Emma's smile dropped a bit after she got an unsatisfied answer.

After they reached, they saw that y/n was sitting in front of her laptop and apparently she seemed to be angry on someone. She was yelling at someone through her phone.

"Umm... Dada do you think this is a good time to talk to Mamma?", Emma whispered to her father.

"Uh... I don't know... let's try...?"


Emma and Juuzou walked towards y/n and Emma was pretty much hiding behind Juuzou as she saw her angry mother.

Juuzou sat beside y/n, "Umm...Y/n..."

Y/n looked at Juuzou with utter disappointment, "What do you want??!!!"

"Ahaahhaa... nothing! I want nothing... let's go Emma.", Juuzou grabbed Emma's hand and walked out of that room, "Emma come on first have your dinner then we will talk to mamma, okay?"

Emma looked down with sadness, "Okay..."

After Emma finished her dinner, The dad and daughter was watching a kid's show. Emma's head was on Juuzou's lap and he was gently caressing her hair.

"Dada, will Mamma throw these two away?"

"Not at all princess!"

"Dada, Are you afraid of mamma?"

"Haha... why do you think so?"

"Because you would keep the puppy and the kitty without Mamma's permission if you weren't afraid of her!"

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now