♤ Hisashiburi ♤

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* Warning!: None~

* Notes: Just avoid the pronouns.

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It was the time when Juuzou Suzuya was preparing to become second class ghoul investigator and Mr. Shinohara was helping him to study but being a busy man he couldn't help Juuzou all the time. Sometimes Shinohara even took Juuzou out for food for refreshment.

"Mr. Shinohara, thanks for the treat~"

"Welcome Juuzou!", They both were returning from the café and surprisingly Mr. Shinohara got to see his friend's daughter after many years.

"Uncle Shinoharaaaa!!", y/n jumped and hugged her uncle and he hugged her back. Both were laughing and Shinohara was holding y/n like a little child.

"Hahaha good to see you y/n!!"

"It feels like forever!"

"Welcome back to Japan! I didn't even realized that it was you! You have grown up so much!"

"Yeah~ I'm not a kid anymore, I'm 18 now!"

"Indeed you look like a beautiful lady but for me you are still my little Kiddo!", Shinohara finally put down y/n on the ground.

"So how are you uncle?"

"I am fine! But how are you here suddenly?"

"oh! I am here to see my family! After all it's been so many years I have spent without them and also I'm here to meet Dr. Chigyou for a few research work...", y/n's eyes finally fell upon Juuzou, "... but who is this with you, uncle?"

Shinohara put his hand on Juuzou's shoulder, "Come on, introduce yourself."

Y/n was the first one to extend her hands towards Juuzou and she gave him a warm smile, "Hey there, I am y/n l/n, nice to meet you!"

Juuzou looked at her hand and then he extended his hands and then they both greeted each other with handshake, "Hi! I'm third class investigator Juuzou Suzuya..."

"Wow! That's cool! You look pretty young... are you aiming to become next Arima?"

"Haha y/n don't ask him so many questions at once...", Shinohara said.

"Oh so it's a 'he' huh? Thanks for telling.", y/n whispered to her uncle.

"Ahaha... anyways where are you going now?"

"I'm actually going to CCG to meet with Dr. Chigyou."

"Oh is that so? Then why don't you come with us... we are going there too!"

"Yeah, I'm good with that!"

While going back to the CCG, Shinohara and y/n were gossiping about everything and Juuzou was listening to them. Y/n tried to interact with Juuzou a few times but since she was a unknown person his answers weren't exact.

"So here comes my destination! Bye uncle Shinohara and bye new friend, it was nice to meet with you both~"

"So Juuzou, now come on let's get back to your studies!"

"Can we sleep instead?"

"Wake up kiddo! Heard what y/n said? She said you could become next Arima!"

"No she didn't! She asked if I wanted to become or not!"

"And, you should definitely aim for it!"

"That sounds back breaking!"

"Yes it is! But you can do it if you want to!"

Time-skip brought you by Sussy baka ~

Once again, Shinohara was helping Juuzou to study. He was sitting beside Juuzou but suddenly Shinohara felt a hand covering his eyes, he gently touched the hand and immediately he understood who it could be, "Y/n! I got you!"

Juuzou Suzuya ~ One Shots ♡ Where stories live. Discover now