♧ My girl - yandere ♧

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*Warning!: The story might trigger you! Mentions of blood.

*Notes: Implied on female readers!

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Y/n worked with Juuzou in the CCG but sadly they didn't saw each other much because they both had different squads and rarely got to work on same cases together. It's been six month since they were dating but y/n requested Juuzou to keep it a secret from CCG since it's none of their business and also she hated the 'relationship gossips'. Juuzou was fine with this decision.

Just because, this relationship was secret it doesn't meant that they would ignore each other in the office. They used to get along with each other and helped each other like friends whenever possible, sometimes they even flirted with each other and showed a few love gestures to each other when possible.

Juuzou really hated the fact that some of their workmates used to hit on y/n but also y/n didn't let them take the advantages, the other workmates that used to hit on her was either found dead a few days after or those were never ever found. The reason behind those dead investigators were never found, it was rather assumed that they were killed by ghouls.

"Y/n, can you give these work papers to Juuzou? and please tell him to finish it before going home..."

"Sure Mr. Shinohara", y/n said Shinohara while giving him a bright smile.

"Thanks y/n."

"No prob~"

Y/n's work room was quite far from Juuzou's work room, but she never minded to meet with Juuzou in between their work. When she reached in the room Juuzou was working in, she saw that Juuzou was lying down on the desk and stitching his hand while Seidou was yelling at him.

"Man oh man! It feels like I entered into a fish market...", y/n said with disappointment.

"Y/nnnnnn heya~"

"Juuzou get down from the desk and complete these papers!", y/n scolded Juuzou.

"Jeez why does everyone scolds me?!", Juuzou said while poughting.

"Sigh! Come down Juuzou!", Y/n pulled Juuzou's hand forcing him to get down from the desk.

"Ok! Ok! I am coming down..."

"HUH? You literally ignored me when I asked you to get down but when y/n said you immediately came down! Shitty brat!!", Seidou was still yelling at Juuzou, both Juuzou and y/n looked at Seidou with disappointment, "Seidou believe me it takes zero amount of money to shut the fuck up and mind you own business", Y/n said Seidou with a fake smile on her face.

"And if you don't know how to shut up then I can sew that mouth of yours Seidouu~", Juuzou said while giving him a creepy smile.

"Jeez you both are pathetic!"

"And we can be more pathetic~", Juuzou and y/n said in unison, scared of them Seidou left the room.

"Hehe~ finally this human siren is gone~"

"For real, how much this dude keeps shouting!", y/n handed those papers to Juuzou, "Oi, complete this before going home and don't be late..."

"Why do I need to do this?!"

"Cause it's your workk~", y/n said while pulling Juuzou's cheeks.

"And I hate this particular work!!"

"I know... anyways I have my own work too, I'm going back to my room~", Y/n while taking a few steps when Juuzou pulled her hand, "No no~ first I want a kissy then I will continue working~"

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