☆ ~Extras/ OVA 1~ ☆

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Y/n and Juuzou is currently sitting in the living room and cuddling with each other while watching movies. On the other hand the other members of the Suzuya squad was standing outside the living room and peeping at the new couple.

Nakarai, y/n's beloved brother was grinding his teeth since he didn't really expected his sister to come in a relationship with his superior, "I HATE to see them like this! Look how my little sister is cuddling with her new boyfriend!!!"

"Ehh... aren't you the one who wanted them to be together??", Tamaki asked.

"Yes! But this time I can't threat her lover or annoy him or scare him off!!", Nakarai said aggressively.

"Yeah... if you would try to do that then you will go extinct in the hands of Senpai, he will yeet you or he will scare you to death.", Tamaki suggested.

"Senpai and y/n looks so happy.", Hanbee said with a sweet and calm expression on his face.

"The stars between them have aligned. Finally there is love in the air~", Mikage said with a sweet smile on his face.

"Yeah, I guess I need to buy masks!! I just hate to see my sister like this!! How can she get into a relation before me!!", Nakarai said aggressively.

"Jealous brother. Jealous brother. Jealous brother.", Hanbee, Tamaki and Mikage said in unison and in a teasing manner.

"If I hear ONE MORE word from you guys then I will BREAK YOUR HEADS! And I can hear everything, you idiots!", Juuzou yelled at them at which all stopped talking about the new couple and they slowly went to the other room.

>< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><

Published on 18/7/21.

{A/N: I will add a few more 'extras' of the one shot, 'Just the two of us'~}

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