♡ Here for you - Lemon ♡

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Requested by @xoxotani

A/n: Once again, I took ages to complete this request (T▽T)

* Warning!: Lemon, explicit language used!! 

* Notes: For female readers.

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Y/n returned home from a bad day at work only to find her sweetheart curled up on the couch, she looked at his angelic face with her teary eyes, "Juuzou...", she whispered and was about to run her fingers on his face but stopped herself because she didn't wanted to wake him up. She walked inside the bedroom and looked at the mirror, "I am such a disappointment... ", a teardrop fell from her eyes while, everything that happened to her recently was running through her head.

"No, you are not...", she felt a tight embrace from behind, "Had a bad day at work?", the sweet voice asked.

Y/n looked away as she didn't wanted her lover to see her cry, "Why are you still awake...?"

"It's nearly 3 AM and you were not coming home so I was worried and I couldn't sleep...", Juuzou turned her around and cupped her cheeks, "Now tell me, what happened? Why are you crying?"

Y/n grabbed his wrist and moved his hand away, "Nothing... I'm fine... You don't have to worry about me..."

She was walking away from Juuzou but then he grabbed her wrist and pulled near him, "Don't you get tired of saying that you are fine when the truth is YOU ARE NOT FINE?!", Juuzou grabbed her face, "I AM NOT AN IDIOT! I can see your tears... I can see that you are not happy..."

"I am sorry! I really am... I didn't wanted you to worry, I didn't wanted to annoy-"

Juuzou pulled Y/n into a tight hug and kissed on her forehead, "Silly... Why are you saying me sorry...?", he caressed her hair, "I just want you to share your problems with me just like I do with you... Don't just hide your problems from me, I'm here for you whenever you need me! Now come on~ Sit here...", Y/n sat on the corner of the bed and Juuzou offered her a glass of water, "Feeling better?"


Juuzou sat behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his head on her shoulder, "Now tell me what happened..."

"I... I messed up today... Once again... When my shift was about to end, a customer came and ordered a whole lot of items and at that time no one was present to help me... I had to do all by myself... He... He was already yelling at me for delaying and above that he told me that I messed up some of the items but I was sure that I didn't cause I wrote it down... He kept messing with me for nearly 30 minutes and then he told me that it was just a prank and he was recording my actions... At that moment my anger busted out and I yelled back at him but that asshole got offended and talked to the manager and rather than protesting against that asshole, my manager yelled at me and ordered me to clean up the whole kitchen..."

"You know what, I absolutely hate this new manager! The previous one was so sweet and humble and this one is A TOTAL BITCH! This is the fifth time I have seen you sad because of this new bitch ass manager! I feel like killing that bastard!!"

"There's nothing I can do about it... The previous manager was getting old and therefore she retired and this new one is a youngster, has got huge energy in his blood and tries to get bossy over everyone... We all hate him, I hope he dies!!"

Juuzou moved y/n's hair which was blocking her neck and then he planted a sweet kiss on her neck, "Everybody dies, some take time to die and for some death approaches right behind them...", he then kissed on her collarbone, "You don't have to worry about that asshole's death..."

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