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Harry woke up early the next morning, with a lazy smile on his face.

The Raven haired lad's arm was holding Harry securely. The brunette turned his head to see his lover sleeping.

He chuckled at the snoring Zayn. He looks so adorable, how can such a sweet guy do such things?.

You know what Harry, you should stop thinking about 'such things Zayn do' the brunette reminded himself.

It will sound crazy as fuck but Harry felt really secure in the arms of the psychopath. He looked at Zayn's face with so much love, studying his beautiful features.

He had such long jet black eye lashes, every girl dreams of. How does he even exist?

He's ethereal



"You done staring like a creep? "


Zayn asked chuckling, Harry's cheeks turned crimson red. He looked away immediately making Zayn laugh more harder.

Harry gasped when Zayn pulled him more into him, holding his tightly. He could feel the younger lad's breath on his neck.

"I know I'm beautiful you can stare at me"  Harry rolled his eyes at the cheeky-ness of the other lad. He turned towards Zayn facing him now.

"Have anyone told you how cheeky you are? "

"No. I'm not cheeky to anyone, just with you"

"Just with me? That makes me special? "

"tu as toujours été spécial"
You always have been special.

"Stop with the French thing come on" Harry said pushing Zayn chest. Zayn raises his eyebrows sticking his tongue out.

"vous êtes belle... "
You are beautiful

"Mr. Malik I said stop"

"un chaton si idiot"
Such a silly kitten


"oh petit idiot, tu pensais que je ne connaissais pas le français. Arrête d'être si mignon maintenant, enlève tes mains"

oh little idiot, you thought i didn't know french. Stop being so cute now, take your hands off


Harry pushed Zayn off and went out of bed with a playful smirk. Zayn sticked his tongue out again, Harry made a funny face at him.

"Stupid "





"I'll be in my room... "

"Is that an invitation for me, mon chéri? " Zayn asked with a huge smirk on display.

"It might be "

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