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♡ Day two : Locked up

So I have no fucking idea what I'm writing and wtf well how the fuck the story will end. Thx for voting I guess.

I hv 12 daily readers and I love ya all

And I'm not gd at writing descriptions, just dialogues. I kinda hv read a zarry book with only dialogues but I don't wanna change this into that. I don't wanna end up people saying I copied.


"You ready for our session Mr. Malik? " Harry said with a good smile on his lips, he kinda studied zayn's file yesterday. And he felt pretty good cause he thought Zayn was in a good mood today.

"Unlock the handcuffs Mr. Styles, why did you lock me up fucker!? " Zayn growled, Harry mentally slapped himself. Zayn clearly wasn't in a good mood.  The brunette leaned backwards, head resting on his chair. Eyes closed he took a deep breath.

"Dear Mr. Malik—"

"DON'T GO ALL BUDDHA ON ME" Harry chuckled at what Zayn said, buddha?

Zayn really didn't wanted to be locked up, he wanted his hands to play. With anything anyone. He didn't care who.

"Mr.Malik you tried to kill me" Harry said with sarcasm. Zayn got annoyed he banged his locked up hands on the desk creating a big bang sound. Harry didn't flinch or make a move he just sat there looking at Zayn.

He definitely has pretty eyes.

"You were trying to trigger me Mr. Styles, I know you did it on purpose" Zayn said annoying, his eyes showed fear and anger.

"So fire triggers you? "

"You are the doctor dumbass figure it out " Zayn said making Harry roll his eyes.

Zayn laughed at Harry, it's cute when he roll his eyes.

Zayn's whole mood changed suddenly, he stared at the brunette for not so long — ok a long time. He didn't even hear Harry snapping his fingers to wake him up from his day dreaming.


"Me.Malik please  corporate with me? "

"That's what I'm doing" Zayn said making Harry smirk.

"Tell me about the walls of this room, the color everything. Do you like this room? Do you like something in this room? Or do you prefer this all in another way if you know what I mean" Harry said calmly, he was combing his hair with his hands. Zayn was noticing every single move he was making.


After a while of silence Zayn spoke.

"I don't know what to not to like about this room. Since I'm an artist, I prefer different colour than ash. Read—



Red" Zayn was saying the word "Red" As a mantra. Harry noticed how zayn's behavior changed.

Harry was gonna say something but Zayn stopped him and said,


Harry's heart kinda stopped beating to be honest, but he told himself to not to connect that word to him.

Harry cleared his throat.

"Why do you like red so much and why Green? "

"Red is the color or love? That's what all People say but red is also the color of revenge, blood, anger and many more things. I'm quite fond of it, I don't know why I wanna see red everyday. Everyday a bit by bit" Harry nodded.

"What about white? " Harry asked, noticing zayn didn't talk about Green.

"White is simple"

"But white makes all the colours you know—"

"Yeah yeah but I don't know why I kinda hate white" Harry nodded again listening carefully to whatever zayn is saying.

Zayn was a pretty amazing man, creative and cunning. He had his own theories about everything which made Harry surprise and curious, to know more about this mysterious man,

Who is a killer.


"Should I change the colour of these walls tomorrow Mr. Malik? "  Harry asked  making zayn raise his eyebrows.

"Will you let me paint it Red? " Zayn asked his eyes sparkle, he looked adorably and Harry chuckled at his cuteness and nodded "sure, Red it is"


They kept talking and talking and Harry kinda was getting comfortable with the psychopath, who tried to kill him yesterday. Harry was gonna ask something but Zayn him off.


"And Green, sorry I didn't answer your question plus don't consider me as a creep or anything. I like green cause of your eyes, they are beautiful, rare. And I can read all the emotions it shows"


"That's enough for our section today Mr. Malik"


And Harry didn't visit him for a few days.


Sorry for the short chapter, maybe the upcoming ones will be short as well. Sorry if it's boring.

I mean this counselling this is gonna go for a month. And I'm gonna write more than 4 chapters only

Thoughts on the chapter.

What Harry has towards Zayn is curiously.

And people say curiousity leads to → creativity but I say

Curiosity leads to love and obsession.

Day three, four, five, six, seven : No green

Day eight is coming up.


Thanks for reading again.

Love, Neha 🖤

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