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Harry cried for hours, that day. He was on his bed all curled up, his head was throbbing cause he cried that much.

He was so stupid, so stupid he just can't believe he thought like this about a fucking murderer. He couldn't believe he even tried to sleep with him..

Ya I did cause I love him, I'm such a fool..

He really wanted someone to hold him but no one was there. Even his phone was in Zayn's custody. He didn't have the gutts to run away as well, maybe he did but he just didn't wanna go..

Accept it Harry you love him, you can't live without him...

But love is a strong word

What you feel for him is stronger.

He doesn't even remember how he fell asleep.


"Harry!!! Wake up! "

"Harry!!! "

"Harry please wake up—" The brunette nearly screamed in horror when he saw Wan waking him up.

He moved away from her, as fast as he could. Wan had a hurt expression but it's none of his concern now.

"YOU! YOU WERE WITH HIM THE WHOLE TIME YOU DIDN'T EVEN HE DOESN'T EVEN LOVE—" Harry screamed tears falling down his eyes, he held his knees close to his chest, crying.

"Lemme ex—"

"Leave me alone Wan"


It's been a while since Wan went away and Harry didn't eat or he just sat there in his room crying.

His heart couldn't take it...

"Harreh..... " Harry looked up to see someone he never wanted to see in his life. Harry started to shake in horror. Zayn stood there, he was completely drowned in blood...

Harry couldn't talk, well no words was coming out of his mouth. He was having a ashma attack again.

He started to breathe heavily, crying at the same time. Trying to find his inhaler, Zayn immediately helped hm. But harry didn't even look into Zayn's eyes....

The blood on his shirt wasn't his or Harry's it was another person's. An innocent civilian...

"Harreh—" Zayn spoke again, his eyes full of emotions, he tried to touch Harry. But he pulled away fast, going away from him.

"YOU... YOU FUCK I- YOU NEVER TOUCH ME AGAIN YOU HEAR ME? STAY AWAY FROM ME" Harry screamed tears flowing. But Zayn kept walking towards him, making Harry go backwards until his head hit the wall behind him.

"FUCK YOU FUCK YOU I HATE YOU SO MUCH I- YOU ARE A MONSTER YOU KNOW THAT? YOU ARE A FUXKING—" Harry said slapping Zayn's chest, Zayn took a hold of Harry's hands in his own to make him stop fighting .

But Harry didn't surrender he kept fighting and fighting until Zayn gripped his neck tightly making Harry scream in pain.


Zayn left Harry, he didn't even wait to see Harry's reaction. He just left, Harry couldn't help but cry harder life was just a mess.


Maybe Harry should try to understand Zayn more


Short chapter people! Zarry will be alright in this next chapter. Then everything will be alright...

Until another bigger shit happens.

𝘾𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙮 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙔𝙤𝙪 ◆ 𝙕 𝙎 ◆Where stories live. Discover now